The Borg, like progressives, demonstrate the pathos of a collective mind.
The Borg and Progressives: Collective Mentality
By: George Noga – September 11, 2022
Today is the twenty-first anniversary of the terrorist attack on America; it succeeded only in waking a sleeping tiger. However, there is an unrelenting and ongoing attack on our constitutional republic by collectivist forces, and it is succeeding. It already has corrupted and assimilated most of our institutions: entertainment, media, education, science, sports, immigration, criminal justice, academia, corporations, fact-checkers, election systems, politics, economics, religion, military and social media.
What would America look like if the progressive collective succeeded in assimilating everything? We don’t have to imagine; science fiction provides the answer. Star Trek presents an optimistic vision of the future. Earth eliminates poverty and strife, becomes an ecological paradise and a civilizing force throughout the galaxy. However, Earth faces a deadly foe that assimilates everything in its path into its collective hive.
The Borg present the most disturbing example of full-fledged collectivism extant, surpassing Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. The Borg are a race of cyborgs that hardwires its hive mentality into the brain and central nervous system of every Borg. A network connects all Borg brains with each other, and they share a collective mentality. Borg are assigned numbers rather than names. No Borg thinks for itself and has no identity outside of the hive. It is impossible to reason with them.
The Borg provide a chilling insight into a collective mentality; they offer individuals a stark choice between submission and the force of the collective. Once assimilated, all individuality is absorbed and subsumed, and they become drones. They are essentially parasitic as they grow by assimilating other people, cultures and technology. The Borg are like communism, fascism, socialism, multiculturalism, extreme environmentalism, climate madness, wokism and every other form of collectivism. It must enslave its people, force everyone to think alike and pillage and plunder others to survive.
Twenty-first Century Progressives Mimic twenty-fourth Century Borg
Go back to the two prior paragraphs and substitute “progressive” for “Borg“. The similarities are stunning. Collectivism demands unflinching obeisance to its narratives. Progressives have a collective mentality and use the same talking points each day, just as though connected to the hive. They seek to control every aspect of life through coercion and repression. They do not think for themselves, and it is impossible to reason with them; they can only recite talking points and call you hateful names.
Progressives believe absurd contradictions, disdain facts, harbor utopian fantasies and have obsessive desires to control others and to take from them. They have antipathy for all who differ. Choice, by which they mean only abortion, is their mantra. However, progressives do not believe a woman should be free to choose to own or to carry a gun, where to school her children or whether or not to join a labor union. Liberals exist inside a hive – conjoined mentally with all other assimilated drones. Life inside the progressive hive is easy. There is no identity except that derived from the hive. There are no values but hive values; there are no thoughts but hive thoughts.
Resistance is not futile
In Star Trek, the Borg mantra is “Prepare to be assimilated; resistance is futile.” Today, progressivism is very close to assimilating every institution in America as listed in the lead paragraph. In Star Trek, humans eventually triumph over the Borg by exploiting their weaknesses, i.e. their lack of individuality and obeisance to groupthink.
We at More Liberty Less Government will continue to fight against progressivism and against all other misanthropic forms of hive collectivism. Resistance is not futile!
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Next up September 18th is our Constitution Day posting.