The Disney Magic Is Gone

The Disney Magic Is Gone
Walt Disney Company at 100; Disney World at 50

George Noga July 16, 2023


This year is the centennial of the Walt Disney Company and the semicentennial of Walt Disney World and all decidedly is not magical in the mouse house. Micky Mouse has become hyperwoke leading many customers to smell a rat. This is not your father’s Disney or not even your big brother’s Disney.

two people in clothing

Parental Rights in Education Act (PREA)

Disney’s wokeness became a national issue only when the company took a very public and unnecessary stand against the PREA, about which Disney advanced a false narrative and called it the Don’t Say Gay bill. The PREA simply bans age inappropriate sexual content from grades K through 3 and enjoys the support of 80% of Floridians. However, Disney’s slouch into wokeness began long before the PREA; to wit:

  • Disney forced employees into a CRT training program that denounced America as racist; white employees had to prepare a white privilege checklist.
  • They inserted a gay agenda into programming for young kids.
  • They tracked programming to make sure it included enough transgender, queer, non-binary and asexual characters. Fifty percent had to come from these groups.
  • Disney abolished use of terms such as ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls.
  • They cancelled or transformed Jungle Cruise because of Trader Sam; they changed Splash Mountain because it used Song of the South; and they made changes to Pirates of the Caribbean for political correctness.
  • Cast members now may wear exposed political symbols.
  • Disney employees have been arrested for child porn and even child rape. In at least a few cases, Disney was complicit in helping offenders evade arrest.
  • Disney-owned ESPN fires any employee who does not strictly adhere to its woke agenda and supports biological men (trans women) competing in girls’ sports.
  • Disney makes edgy movies like Turning Red that are steeped in controversy.

    They no longer are purveyors of content celebrating the innocence of childhood; instead, they are grooming children for a highly sexualized world.

  • Virtually every page of its SEC reports is laced with references to ESG issues.
  • The company is hypocritical. It continues to do business with China but refuses to denounce, or even to acknowledge, that it is a totalitarian, oppressive regime. They attack Floridians but won’t criticise the Chinese Communist Party.

The Price of Wokeness

It is hard to fathom Disney’s self-destruction. Why would any business intentionally stake so much on something so innocuous, not to mention popular, as the PREA? Why would any company intentionally go out of its way to alienate 50% or more of its customers? Why would any business intentionally choose to be on the losing side of an issue that the vast majority of families, of all political persuasions, support? Why would any company intentionally devalue the iconic characters loved by generations of children and families over the past one hundred years? Why would any sane business endanger its copyright (valued at billions of dollars) on Mickey Mouse?

The Walt Disney Company has paid, and continues to pay, a staggering price for its woke agenda. Disney stock has nosedived from $197 per share in 2021 to $88 on July 6, 2023 (when this is being written) – a drop of $109 per share or 55%. Its market capitalization has plummeted from over $350 billion to $161 billion – a stunning loss of nearly $200 billion to its shareholders. The Florida legislature has revoked Disney’s special taxing district and will hike its taxes and begin safety inspections.

But the worst is yet to come. Up to now, Congress has given Disney extensions of its copyright to Mickey Mouse and other characters. However, after 95 years the copyright extension for Steamboat Willey (Mickey Mouse) is set to expire next year. Many members of Congress are balking at granting a further extension. If Congress fails to act, Mickey Mouse soon could be in the public domain.

The Disney spell is broken and the magic is gone; there will be no fairy tale ending. Wokeness destroyed a once admired and iconic American company. The downfall of Disney is destined to be a case study in business schools for decades to come.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Equity Means Socialism

What if everyone was equal?

Equity Means Socialism

Collectivism has gone by many names: socialism, communism, fascism, Marxism, democratic socialism, Utopianism, Fabianism, progressivism – and now, the most mellifluous term of them all – equity. Despite its euphony, equity is just another code word intended for maskirovka and to make socialism palatable – just as politically correct hospitals refer to death as a negative patient outcome.

The horrors of socialism, in all its names and iterations, has been the subject of dystopian works such as Atlas Shrugged, Animal Farm, 1984 and Brave New World. Herein, I take a fresh look at what equity could look like in the 21st century.

Harrison Bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut’s short story, Harrison Bergeron, published in 1961 provides one spine-chilling perspective. It is set in the year 2081, after the 213th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified making every American equal. A powerful new government czar, the Handicapper-General, strictly enforces the law so that everyone performs at the lowest common level. Everyone is handicapped. Those who are good looking must wear masks; those who are strong or athletic must carry weights; those who are smart must wear earbuds to disrupt their thought process. For example, more proficient ballerinas are weighted down and masked to counteract their gracefulness and appearance so the audience won’t feel bad about their own appearance.

The protagonist is 14-year-old Harrison Bergeron, a genius, tall, incredibly handsome, athletic, strong, artistic and brave. The Handicapper-General forces Harrison to wear earphones, glasses to cut his vision by 50%, disfiguring makeup, blackened teeth, a red rubber nose and 300 pounds of weight to compensate for his prodigious strength. However, Harrison decides to live unimpeded by government interference. Note: There have been several movies made of Harrison Bergeron.

Achieving Perfect Equity

Following is my idea for how perfect equity could be achieved today? The most progressive minds in America could create a master algorithm incorporating all known markers of success and failure. The algorithm would take into account, inter alia, DNA, race, gender, sexual orientation, height, weight, IQ, life expectancy and appearance. Exogenous factors in the algorithm would be birth place, social class, family income and educational level.

The end result of the master algorithm would be a polygenic score assigned to everyone at birth. Those with positive scores would pay a polygenic tax, while those with negative scores would receive a corresponding benefit. The taxes and benefits would vary in direct proportion to how much the scores were positive or negative. The scores would be reevaluated and adjusted periodically so that any inequalities that emerged would be corrected. Done correctly, this could make everyone equal.

Mythical Germanic Kingdom

In the real world perfect equality is a chimera. If all wealth were equalized, within a few years the wealth distribution would return to the status quo ante. Equity is merely the latest stalking horse for socialism. Interestingly, no sci-fi (or other) writers have ever written a positive story about a society where everyone is perfectly equal.

Something in the human condition makes some people (usually those with nothing to lose) dream of collectivism – the term du jour being equity. This post provided a peek at what perfect equity might look like – Harrison Bergeron with a 300-pound weight and algorithmic polygenic scores. How much of that kind of equity do you want?

Despite the failure of all forms of collectivism throughout the ages, progressives dream of a world, like the mythical Germanic kingdom, where candy grows on trees, lemonade flows in rivers and the fattest, ugliest and stupidest person is king.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:




Progressivism is A Maze of Contradictions

Female fetuses are aborted for gender selection to protect their rights as women.

Progressivism is A Maze of Contradictions

By: George Noga – October 23, 2022

Liberals believe the darndest things including obvious and preposterous contradictions. They champion anti-American Palestinians, governed by dictators, who pay bounties to families of suicide bombers, throw gays off tall buildings and treat women as chattel. They demonize Israel, a pro-American democracy, that goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties and respects and protects the rights of women and gays.

Their mantra is “follow the science” but ignore it when it doesn’t support their dogma regarding GMOs, vaccines, fracking, organic food, and pesticides. They believe it is okay for millions of illegal immigrants to be unvaccinated, but Djokovic cannot play in the US Open and young children must wear masks even when playing outdoors. They are for less emissions but oppose natural gas and nuclear, the best ways to cut CO2.

Liberals oppose photo IDs for voting but are fine with requiring them for air or train travel, TSA, hotels, passports, renting a car, buying a gun, getting a mortgage, hunting or fishing license, job, unemployment, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, bank or brokerage accounts, cell phones, buying alcohol or tobacco, taking the SAT, giving blood, adopting a pet and for admission to the Democratic National Convention.

Liberals are passionate about a woman’s right to choose but oppose her right to choose where to school her kids, to buy a gun, to get vaccinated or to join a labor union. They claim their bodies are sacrosanct while demanding coerced vaccinations. They believe a young girl can have an abortion or undergo gender transition without parental notification or consent but can’t get a tattoo. In what has to be the most preposterous contradiction of them all, progressives believe in abortion for gender selection – in which 99% of aborted fetuses are female. In other words, progressives believe females should be aborted in order to protect their rights when they are women.

They call Republican claims of election fraud insurrection while asserting Stacey Abrams is governor of Georgia – despite losing by 50,000 votes. They are feminists but are okay with trans women (biological males) destroying girls’ sports. They believe Sweden and Nordic nations are socialist, but they are capitalist with taxes less progressive than in the US, where the bottom 60% pay no income tax net of credits.

Progressives want to tax the rich but protect carried interest, which benefits only private equity and hedge fund tycoons. They want unlimited SALT deductions that benefit only the top 3%. Instead, they raise corporate taxes, of which 98% are passed on as higher prices to working Americans. They unleash 87,000 new IRS auditors to suck out the sustenance of small business owners. They believe corporate money in politics is evil but megabucks from labor unions is peachy keen. They believe MSNBC is mainstream, but Fox News is extreme. They applaud the FBI for going after the Trump family but not Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s corrupt dealings.

Liberals beg dictators in Russia, Iran and Venezuela to produce more dirty energy, thus enriching our enemies and despoiling the environment, while doing everything possible to cripple clean energy production and distribution in the US and Canada. They rail against child labor in third world countries that produce goods for Walmart but are silent about child and slave labor working in deplorable conditions in the mines of Zambia, Congo and China that produce lithium and cobalt for EVs driven by elites.

Progressives consider abortion a constitutional right although it is not mentioned anywhere in that document nor is it deeply embedded in tradition. But they believe the right to keep and to bear arms is unconstitutional although it is explicitly stated in the Constitution and deeply rooted in American history and tradition. They believe labor unions are beneficial even though 94% of private sector workers reject them.

They believe America is racist despite a two-term black president, a sitting black vice president and political control of most major cities. In a recent survey, those who identified themselves as “very liberal” believed 10,000 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year. Those who identified as “liberal” put the death toll at 1,000 unarmed blacks killed by police. The actual number last year was six. They believe 50 million abortions since 1973 are just fine but that 1,500 legal executions are evil. They believe in open borders today but condemn them when Europeans migrated to America.

How is it possible for anyone with an IQ in triple digits to believe so many obviously and preposterously contradictory things? To be a progressive in America you must believe all the absurd incongruities enumerated in this posting. But no worries, life in the progressive hive is very easy. There is no identity but that derived from the hive; there are no values but hive values and there are no thoughts but hive thoughts.

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Next: We reveal the identity of the real fascists in America today.

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Laboratories of Democracy – Part II Sixty Years of Liberal Governance

After 60 years of total liberal control , all blue states can do is to cry “racism”.

Laboratories of Democracy – Part II

Sixty Years of Liberal Governance

By: George Noga – March 28, 2021

This is the second of MLLG’s four-part series: Laboratories of Democracy. In case you missed Part I – no worries; it is on our website: The idea underpinning laboratories of democracy is that, under our Constitution, states have enormous latitude to experiment with different laws and policies. States can, and often do, take different, and even opposite, positions on issues such as right-to-work, marijuana legalization and gun control to name but a few. Over a period of decades, it should be possible to compare results and to adopt the successful policies and to reject the failed ones.

If one political party, governing under one unified philosophy, could control all the levers of power in entire states for 50-60 consecutive years, surely that should provide ample time to demonstrate the success or failure of that governance. There are such places in America; this is the story of the ones that experimented with and tested progressive shibboleths and liberal dogma for at least the past half century.

Liberals and their media adjuncts are absolutely certain their ideas are correct and that opposing ideas are not only wrong but dangerous and even evil. Surely, if there were places in America where they could showcase their ideas for a long enough time, it would prove beyond any doubt that liberalism worked. Surely, their economies would thrive and hordes of people would move there. Surely, it would provide a great quality of life and social harmony. Surely, such a veritable Xanadu would demonstrate the utter bankruptcy and depravity of capitalism, free markets and conservatism.

What would such a progressive utopia be like? It would have a high minimum wage, no right-to-work law and universal unionization – with great pay, benefits, job security and early retirement with medical benefits. It would defund the police and abolish cash bail. It would be highly regulated by a massive bureaucracy. Its schools, controlled by teachers unions, would spend double the national average per pupil. It would tax (personal and business) and borrow whatever was necessary to pay for it all.

Such a utopia would be a sanctuary state with uber-strict gun control. The homeless would be welcomed even if it endangered public health and safety. Shoplifting, drugs and arson would be decriminalized. New pipelines would be banned and green energy mandated. Rent control would be universal and evictions banned. If a pandemic hit there would be lengthy lockdowns and closures – including all schools. To cap it off, government would be run predominantly by woke minority elected officials.

These progressive utopias exist and have names; they are called Illinois, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Maryland, New York and Rhode Island. What are they like after 60 years under the progressive yoke? Are people streaming in from red state hellholes? These liberal utopias, like all utopias throughout history, are dystopian wastelands where life has become toxic and people are escaping in droves to red states.

It is impossible to hold a perfumed handkerchief to one’s nose to somehow make these progressive snake pits smell right. People are voting with their feet. Liberalism failed and failed abjectly. Even liberals are tacitly conceding their dogma is poisonous. They know government schools can’t educate inner city children, so they quit. Instead of uplifting poor kids, they are destroying successful ones by abolishing advanced and gifted programs. By gosh – if everybody can’t get on the lifeboat, no one can.

It is incandescently clear: politics is not the pathway to black success.

So, progressives and their media acolytes simply quit. After 60 years they no longer can escape what so plainly stares them in the face. But, instead of taking responsibility for their failure, they are resorting to their old chestnut, i.e. blaming it on racism. In the end, liberals always resort to screaming systemic racism; that’s all they have.

There is one other critical lesson in all this. For the past 60 years, as black elected officials increased from 1,000 to 25,000 (including a two-term president), it is incandescently clear politics is not the pathway to black success. There is no relationship between the success of black leaders and inner city black families; maybe success has more to do with stable families, education, and hard work.


April 4th is Part III – Travels in Blue State America.

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Real Doctors Versus Witch Doctors

Progressivism drowns everyone in an endless sea of myths, banalities and outright lies.

Real Doctors Versus Witch Doctors

By: George Noga – February 28, 2021

The most disturbing trend in America today is the rapidly escalating number and gravity of disconnects between empirical reality and political correctness – between objective fact and logic on the one hand and vapid progressivism on the other.

I feel like a real doctor amidst a coven of witch doctors. I approach issues in a fact-based, logical manner; they screech truth-defying progressive mantras in unison like imps and banshees, believing the more often and louder they regurgitate their pallid screeds makes them truthful. I advocate principled solutions to public policy issues; they shriek socialistic incantations and prescribe antiscience remedies like applying leeches, bleeding and administering arsenic to bring the humours into balance.

As we begin the third decade of the twenty-first century, a cornucopia of marvels, thanks to free market capitalism, confronts us. Space flight is commonplace, medicine routinely performs miracles and technology brings us mind-boggling gadgets. Every measure of human well-being is the best it has been and is getting better all the time. Similarly, environmental metrics are the best in about 100 years and getting better.

Breathtaking social progress has been made in my lifetime. The status of women, minorities, LGTBQs and even animals has been elevated and virtually all vestiges of discrimination eliminated. The few racists that still exist are regarded by the rest of us as troglodytes; all of them could comfortably fit inside a high school gymnasium. Extreme poverty is nearly eliminated worldwide; in the US material poverty is reduced to 2%-3% of the population and exists mainly among those with cognitive disabilities, untreated mental illness and substance abuse. Food is so cheap the age old paradigm of the affluent being corpulent while the poor are gaunt has been reversed.

Progressivism is twenty-first century witchcraft

Amidst this horn of plenty there is one dismal creed that is seeking to reverse all the aforementioned miracles. That is progressivism and the misanthropic stepchildren it has spawned and midwifed. It goes by many names: ANTIFA, political correctness, BLM, environmentalism and democratic socialism. It brands its opponents heretics and seeks to control their speech just as Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. It drowns everyone in an endless sea of myths, irrelevances, banalities, inanities and outright lies. Progressivism is a dark force that panders to the lesser angels of our nature.

Progressives have long sought to implement their agenda through government. They already control public schools, universities, entertainment, labor unions and the media. They are taking over corporations, social media, technology companies, sports and even science. These dark forces are metastasizing worse than kudzu and with the same effect. They now may be able to achieve their goals without government.

Witchcraft is defined as “the exercise or invocation of alleged magical powers to control people or events.” BINGO! Progressivism is simply twenty-first century witchcraft – not unlike that of the Middle Ages. Witchcraft may work for a time but eventually people quit believing – when progressives’ “magic” time after time proves to be ineffective and destructive. Until such time arrives, MLLG will continue to present fact-based, principled analysis and prescriptions that work – like a real doctor.

Next on March 7th is our retrospective on the Trump presidency.
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Can the Constitution Survive Progressivism?

The Constitution is 233 years old Thursday – but will we be able to keep it?

Can the Constitution Survive Progressivism?

By: George Noga – September 13, 2020

Happy Constitution Day Thursday! The Declaration of Independence established the moral foundation of the United States and the unalienable rights of man. It proclaimed that governments are instituted among men to secure those rights. The raison d’etre of the Constitution is to protect those rights which, for 233 years, it has accomplished through an ingenious system of checks, balances and separation of powers.

Liberty is not the natural condition of mankind. Since we quit living in trees, 115 billion homo sapiens have trod this earth, of which fewer than 1% lived lives of liberty. Constant vigilance is needed to protect freedom; Benjamin Franklin recognized this when he warned, “A republic, if you can keep it”. The words of any constitution are only as good as the will of the people to enforce them. Following are excerpts from the constitution of another country – see if you can you guess which one?

  • Article 64: The state shall effectively guarantee genuine democratic rights and liberties as well as the material and cultural well-being of its citizens.

  • Article 66: All citizens age 17 and over have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of sex, race, occupation, party affiliation, political views or religion.

  • Article 67: Citizens are guaranteed freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, demonstration and association and free activity of political parties.

  • Articles 68-70: Citizens have freedom of religious beliefs, are entitled to submit complaints and petitions and have the right to work.

  • Articles 72-79: Citizens are free to engage in scientific, literary and artistic pursuits. They shall have the right to reside in and travel to any place. Citizens are guaranteed inviolability of the person, home and privacy of correspondence.

Liberty is one of the most fragile things ever created by the hand of man and is never more than one generation away from extinction. As President Ronald Reagan said: “We don’t pass (freedom) to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on to them to do the same.” People get just one shot at freedom; those who had it and lost it, are unlikely ever to have it again.

The biggest threat to our liberty today is progressivism. If they gain unchecked power, as they could in 2021, they vow to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, admit DC and Puerto Rico as states, abolish the Electoral College and impose national mail in voting combined with vote harvesting. They pledge open borders, citizenship for illegal aliens, gun control and abolition of free speech via hate speech laws. They aim to eviscerate the Constitution to achieve power and to maintain it in perpetuity.

Progressives will abolish 233 years of freedom because they believe they know what’s best for everyone and are willing to shred the Constitution to achieve it. The words of our Constitution, no matter how mellifluous, won’t protect Americans from tyranny any more than the words of the constitution excerpted previously in this post protect the citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or North Korea.

On September 20th, I reveal my decision whether or not to buy firearms.
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Will the 2020 Election Be America’s Last?

The progressive plan to permanently control the United States

Will the 2020 Election Be America’s Last?

By: George Noga – September 6, 2020

Should Democrats take full control of government in the 2020 election, they plan to hold onto power in perpetuity; they intend for 2020 to be the last election in the United States. Americans will continue to vote in show elections just as they do in Russia, Belarus and Cuba, but the results will be preordained. Following are the elements of the progressive plan for permanent control of the United States of America.

Statehood for DC, PR, Others: They will make DC and Puerto Rico states immediately, resulting in 4 new Dem senators and 6-7 new electoral votes. Republicans would then need 53 of the original 100 seats to control the senate. If necessary, Dems will also make Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Marianas states.

Pack Supreme Court: Progressives will add as many new justices as necessary to gain a majority. This can be accomplished in a matter of days by simple majority votes.

Abolish Electoral College: This requires a constitutional amendment, but a packed Supreme Court could green-light it anyway, paving the way for a popular vote.

National Popular Vote: With the Electoral College kaput, there would be a national popular vote including vote by mail, vote harvesting and massive fraud in deep blue states. The federal government would wrest control of elections from the states.

Abolish Filibuster: New laws could be enacted in mere hours; any wacky progressive idea could become law without checks, balances or guardrails.

This is not idle speculation. Democrats publicly support every

one of the policies listed herein – perhaps except social credits.

Massive Expansion of Voting: Citizenship for illegal aliens could add upward of 20 million votes; open borders would add millions more. Progressives will enable felons, including those incarcerated, to vote. They will expand the franchise to nearly 10 million 16-17 year olds. All these cohorts will vote Democrat by humongous margins.

Abolish Freedom of Speech: So-called hate speech laws will be enacted to criminalize communications that offend liberal sensibilities. Straight out of George Orwell, progressives will use the threat of hate speech to stifle opposing political speech.

Eliminate School Choice: All forms of school choice, including charters and vouchers, will be abolished. Government schools, run by unions and bureaucrats, will dutifully turn our (now voting) children into automatons indoctrinated in progressive dogma.

Social Credits: The capstone of progressive control will be a system of universal basic income (UBI) linked to social credits – such as now being used by the Chicoms. The amount of a person’s social credits (based on obeisance to progressive diktats) determines the amount of UBI, access to health care, education and other benefits.

If progressives control government, all the above can be placed in effect immediately. They could add 40 million new voters – heavily Democrat. Progressives publicly advocate for every one of the above policies, except maybe social credits. Even if only some of the policies are enacted, it would be enough to turn the USA into Venezuela or Zimbabwe. The 2020 election could very well be the last election in America!

Next on September 13th is our inimitable take on Constitution Day
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Changes Afoot at MLLG – Truth and Denial in America

Mokita: Truths everyone knows but pretends don’t exist and agrees not to talk about.

Changes Afoot at MLLG
Truth and Denial in America
By: George Noga – August 2, 2020

I will get to truth and denial in America – but first news about changes at the MLLG blog. The most noticeable changes are to the format; I have made our posts easier to read by enlarging the font and adding more space between lines. All links are activated and you are one click away from emailing me, adding a name to my email list and visiting my website, including direct links to prior posts referenced within a posting. Please email me with your questions or comments and I will respond as needed.

I am grateful for your prolific forwarding of my posts, but therein lies a problem. I have had up to four generations of forwards, i.e. the original recipient forwards it to several people who then forward it to others, and so on. One reader can thus be responsible for 100 or more forwards. However, if any one of these 100 should hit the “unsubscribe” link, it is you, the original recipient, who is unsubscribed. I have addressed this with Constant Contact but there is nothing they can do. Please continue to forward, but if you stop receiving my emails, go to our website to resubscribe.

I am making one substantive change to content. My posts tend to follow a set pattern: I describe a problem or issue and marshall relevant data and logic to analyze it. I strive to present a fact-based, principled perspective you do not see elsewhere. It has worked well for the past 13 years and many of my posts will continue this approach. However, beginning in September/October you also will see a new approach that addresses the most weighty issues of our time in a less formulaic and more provocative manner. Thanks again to all my loyal readers and supporters. The best is yet to come!

Truth and Denial in America

English is a prolific language with one million words, of which 200,000 are in active use. This is far more than any other language. Yet there is no English word for a commonly understood truth that isn’t talked about. The people of Papua New Guinea have just such a word; mokita is a universally acknowledged truth that everyone pretends doesn’t exist and is never discussed. There are many mokitas in America.

Truth is no less true when it is unpopular, politically incorrect or even offensive. Realities exist despite what we want them to be, despite what PC may dictate and despite suppression. Subordination of objective reality to political diktats is a central tenet of totalitarianism and progressivism. In the end however, objective reality, unlike progressive denials, doesn’t go away when people stop believing in it.

As often is the case, Winston Churchill said it best: “The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is.” Progressivism is a denial of objective reality and exists only when truth is suppressed.

Mokita is present whenever truth yields to power or fear of reprisal yields to political correctness. Anyone who utters a mokita, by speaking a known truth, is savaged by the progressive mob, not because they are wrong but because they violated a mokita.

Next week’s post is about the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima.
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Independence Day 2020

Where can we go once progressives have raided, ravaged and ruined all the red states? 

Independence Day 2020

By: George Noga – July 4, 2020

           We have updated MLLG’s highly popular Fourth of July posting; it is inspired by the movie Independence Day, in which extraterrestrials, having despoiled their home planet, invade Earth with the objective of stripping it of all its resources, rendering it uninhabitable and then moving on to do the same to other worlds.

            An alien race plundering planets, leaving them dead, failing to learn from it and then replicating such behavior on other pristine worlds repulsed everyone who saw the movie. Yet, this same behavior pattern is being aped today by progressives.

         Progressives have pillaged and plundered blue states for over half a century. Their failed governance is characterized by sky-high taxes, mindless regulation, gun control, broken schools, senseless bureaucracy, mandatory unionization, high living cost, rampant crime, political corruption, massive debt, unfunded liabilities, sanctuary for criminal illegal aliens, crumbling infrastructure and homelessness including public drugs and filth. They even refuse to maintain law and order, elevate rioters and looters above law-abiding citizens, defund the police and release dangerous criminals without bail. They pit one group against another based on income, age, gender and race.

Will the last person out of Illinois please turn off the lights?

        When life becomes too toxic, people flee these dystopian wastelands for red states with lower taxes, less crime, fewer regulations, less bureaucracy, right-to-work laws, lower living costs, balanced budgets, modern infrastructure, better schools, gun rights, little homelessness, good public health, detention of criminal illegal aliens, law and order including bail for dangerous criminals. Life in red states is freer and more humanistic; citizens are treated as adults and are not pitted one against the other.

         Progressives, who move to red state America by the millions, love life in their new home; none ever return to their blue state snake pits. However, most transplanted liberals continue to vote for the same pernicious, destructive policies that laid waste to their home states, turning them into the hell holes they desperately fled. Inexplicably, most of them don’t make the connection between the policies that doomed their home states and the vastly different red state policies that attracted them.

        Progressives aren’t the only ones mimicking Earth-invading aliens. Muslims are deserting their home countries in droves to immigrate to western democracies. They flee their noxious homelands so they can speak, vote, live and worship in liberty and build a better life for their children. Incomprehensibly, they copy the plundering aliens and attempt to turn their new homes into replicas of the entropic rats’ nests they fled including Sharia law, genital mutilation, honor killings and subjugation of women.

          Puerto Ricans, mimicking space aliens, progressives and Muslims, also are bent on denuding their home world and then fleeing to Florida. There are 5 million Puerto Ricans living in the US while only 3 million remain in Puerto Rico. You guessed it; most continue to vote for the same failed policies that depredated their troubled island. The same is true of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua.

       It’s impossible to distinguish between planet-destroying, marauding aliens of Independence Day and progressives, Muslims and Puerto Ricans. They each have despoiled and gutted their own worlds and have moved on to loot new worlds.

       There is one critical distinction: the aliens of Independence Dayafter destroying Earth, moved on to other planets. Where do we go after progressives have raided, ravaged, robbed, razed, ravished, ransacked, rifled and ruined all the red states?


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Next on July 12th, in a MLLG first, we publish a post by a guest blogger. 
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California’s Condor Cuisinarts

Birds provide a gripping illustration of the hypocrisy of progressivism.
California’s Condor Cuisinarts
By: George Noga – October 6, 2019

        Progressivism is a bundle of inconsistencies, contradictions and outright lies, often taking opposite sides of the same issue when suiting its narrative. We have written on this topic before; visit our website to see our posts of December 2, 2018 entitled Liberals Believe the Strangest Things and, if you have time on your hands, see our May 8, 2014 post, Liberalism is for the Birds. Many other issues showcase liberal intellectual bankruptcy, but none finer than birds.

        Libs go gaga over birds whenever it suits their purpose. The Audubon Society estimated 2,300 birds were killed from the BP accident during which the media saturated us with photos of a pelican dripping with oil, only to later find the photo had nothing to do with BP. They hyped bird safety to try and kill offshore drilling.

        A pipeline leak, which killed a handful of ducks, became a progressive feeding frenzy to stop all new pipelines. Bird safety was a major part of the latte-left effort to halt the Keystone XL Pipeline and to oppose every fossil fuel project including fracking. Activists used the Endangered Species Act to list the prairie chicken and sage grouse as threatened species to try to stop all drilling on federal and private land.

          Now, let’s see how liberals regard birds when they don’t fit into their narrative.

         Saving the California condor was the holy grail of avian causes until condors ran afoul of an even holier progressive shibboleth – green energy. Over half the condors released in the wild have been killed, most by wind turbines; they are part of the million birds killed yearly by turbines, including bald eagles, hawks, golden eagles and owls. California wind farms have become veritable condor cuisinarts.

Liberals argue we must kill 126,000 eagles in order to save them.

        Just one wind farm (Altamont Pass near Oakland) kills 80 golden eagles each year. Progressives support the issuance of a federal taking permit to allow wind farms legally to kill 4,200 bald eagles each year for the next 30 years; that’s 126,000 eagles. In support of the taking permit, environmentalists argue climate change ultimately will kill even more eagles; therefore, we must kill eagles now in order to save them.

          In contrast, all fossil fuel activity kills about 1,000 birds a year versus 1 million for wind energy, i.e. 1,000 birds are slaughtered by wind farms for every bird killed by fossil fuels. Nonetheless, the Obama Administration filed criminal indictments against three oil companies for inadvertently killing 6 ducks. Liberals give the wind industry a get-out-of-jail-free card, while criminalizing oil companies for infinitesimally less.

          Solar energy projects also exterminate birds. The Ivanpah project, which covers five square miles (350,000 mirrors) in California’s desert, scorches birds, including peregrine falcons and great hawks, that fly overhead with its 1,000 degree heat. Solar farms also end up killing huge numbers of threatened desert tortoises. Just as with wind farms, progressives acquiesce while threatened species are savaged.

         Earlier this year in Scotland, a white-throated needletail was sighted for the first time in 22 years. Excited birdwatchers flocked to the Hebrides to catch a glimpse. While they were watching, the rare bird flew into a wind turbine and was killed. No doubt, progressives view this as a necessary avain sacrifice on the altar of wind energy. Imagine how they would have reacted if the needletail was killed in an oil spill.

         Progressivism is a lie and birds are but one way to showcase its hypocrisy.

Next up is our gloriously politically incorrect post honoring Columbus Day.
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