Summers for Snowflakes

Summers for Snowflakes

College students need to acquire grit

June 2, 2024

College students are indoctrinated in progressive dogma from the moment they set foot on campus. They are unaware they are inside an outre plastic bubble and come to believe their PC world is authentic. They have no clue just how opposed it is to the real world. Upon leaving their ivory towers, they are gobsmacked by reality.

man in black and yellow jacket wearing red helmet holding black and white stick

With summer rapidly approaching, snowflakes would benefit from summer jobs or activities that expose them to the real world. They may even acquire some grit along the way, which would be of inestimable value in their future lives. All the summer activities listed infra are far more valuable than some woke internship.

Gritty Jobs

While earning some walking-around money, snowflakes would benefit incalculably from summer jobs such as those in plumbing, surveying, house painting or construction. These jobs would expose them to a swath of humanity well outside their normal society. They would learn valuable lessons about job demands as well as human nature from their coworkers. They may also acquire some grit.

The life lessons learned during a summer on a construction site would far exceed those from some PC internship. Surprise: snowflakes may even come to like and to respect their coworkers and learn to appreciate different points of view.

Experience the Authentic America

Students could visit America’s flyover land. There would be mandatory stops in Appalachia, the Rust Belt, the Great Plains, the mountain west and the desert southwest. They would be required to mostly stay in small towns – often for days at a time. While there, they must engage the locals and attend events such as fairs and rodeos. It may also be a good idea to include stays in progressive snake pits such as Seattle, Portland and San Francisco to experience firsthand the result of failed progressive policies.

The trip across America could be financed by parents or grandparents¹ and would come with some requirements. Students must spend at least 30 minutes a day keeping a contemporaneous diary including what they did and who they talked with. At the end of the trip they must write a comprehensive report about what they learned.

Military and ROTC

All the armed services have summer ROTC programs for college students.² These programs – including paratroop and ranger training – push cadets to their limits physically and mentally. Cadets learn achievement, wellness, character and leadership. Military experience offers valuable life lessons and immersion in a non-PC subculture. Your drill sergeant will not offer you warm milk and playdough. Participants in these summer ROTC programs can acquire grit on steroids.

Summer in Socialist Countries

Snowflakes are taught, and most believe, socialism is superior to capitalism. In their ignorance, they harbor fantastical, glorified, utopian and unattainable visions of socialism where everyone joins hands to sing Kumbaya. They conflate socialism with Nordic nations, ignorant that all Scandinavian countries have free market capitalism. Moreover, Sweden, the wealthiest Nordic country, is much poorer than the USA.

When hard pressed, snowflakes say they don’t really want socialism; they just want bigger government, i.e. a European-style social welfare state. However, when informed of the middle class tax burden that would be required to fund such a leviathan state, they say they don’t want to pay for it. But I digress.

Students should summer in an authentic socialist country such as nearby Cuba or Venezuela; but they must remember to bring their own medicine and toilet paper. Those demonstrating on behalf of Hamas should spend their summer in Gaza.

True Grit

Snowflakes can benefit from a summer experiencing the authentic America, doing construction, joining an ROTC program or living in a socialist country. They would learn a great deal about America, human nature, tolerance and respect for other viewpoints. Snowflakes might even discover they really like America after all, and, to cap off their summer, they just might acquire some true grit.

  1. Yale has a “Summer Odyssey” program which finances such trips for their insulated students.
  2. There also is summer Junior ROTC for high school students.

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