Fascism in America Today

Liberals always are guilty of doing the things they accuse others of doing.

Fascism in America Today

By: George Noga – October 30, 2022

The true fascists in America today are found on the left. Biden, progressives, the media and just about everyone else has it backward. Mostly, this derives from an ignorance of fascism; therefore, we begin with the following dictionary definition of fascism.

“A political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts the state above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

I’ll put it directly: Joe Biden, progressives, the Democratic Party and the media are the true fascists in America today. Don’t take my word for it; compare the dogma and actions of Biden and progressives to the definition of fascism above.

The progressive blob considers any beliefs but their own illegitimate, impermissible and a threat to democracy, even if held by 76 million ordinary Americans like Trump voters. Liberals threaten the institutions of our democracy by espousing court packing, ending the filibuster, packing the senate and abolishing the electoral college. They want to end competitive elections by nationalizing election laws and open borders.

They favor an all-powerful state and distrust the people, states and truth. They revel in the exercise of ersatz dictatorial emergency powers. They use the DOJ to criminalize mainstream Americans, like those attending school board meetings. They brook no dissent and use their control over social media to suppress, silence or even criminalize it. They lust for economic and social regimentation and control. They already have the answers to everything; hence, debate is not necessary. The ends justify the means.

They want total control over every American institution. They already assimilated, controlled or corrupted entertainment, social media, education, DOJ, science, sports, immigration, criminal justice, academia, corporations, fact-checkers, religion, election systems, politics, economics, military and social media. They are coming after the few they don’t yet control such as talk radio, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Donald Trump and the MAGA movement are anti-fascist

I’ll be direct once again: Donald Trump, MAGA and conservatives are anti-fascists. They are for free people and free markets; they want to return power to the states and to the people. They place the individual above the state. They are for lower taxes, which reduces the power of government, and they oppose 87,00 new IRS agents. Again, with reference to the definition supra, Trump and MAGA are close to being the polar opposite of the definition of fascism, i.e. they are the anti-fascists.

Per Rush Limbaugh, liberals always are guilty of the things they accuse their opponents of doing and so it is with fascism. Joe Biden’s contempt for all who disagree was on lurid display in his Philadelphia speech. Bathed in a menacing red light and flanked by men brandishing guns, he vilified and cast his political opponents as devils.

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Our fearless forecast for the election is revealed in our next post November 6th.

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Special Independence Day Posting – Invading Aliens, Liberals and Muslims

This special Fourth of July posting was inspired by the movie Independence Day.
You see, invading aliens have a great deal in common with liberals and Muslims. 
Special Independence Day Posting
Invading Aliens, Liberals and Muslims
By: George Noga – July 4, 2017
       In the movie Independence Day, an alien race invaded Earth. After ravaging their home planet, they were forced to abandon it and to find another planet. The aliens planned to despoil Earth and then move on to plunder yet other planets. An alien race raping and pillaging planets, failing to learn from it and then replicating such sordid behavior on unspoiled new planets, repulsed everyone who saw the movie. Yet, something eerily similar is happening today with Muslims and liberals.

       Muslims desert their home countries en mass to emigrate to western democracies. They avidly abandon toxic Muslim countries so they can speak, vote, live and worship in liberty and secure a better life for themselves and for their children. Yet, what do they do after they arrive? They agitate to turn their new nations into replicas of the entropic, dysfunctional places they abandoned. They demand Sharia law, genital mutilation, honor killings, proscriptions against free speech and the gamut of failed policies that turned their home countries into bleak authoritarian wastelands. Their behavior parallels that of the aliens who invaded Earth on Independence Day.

       Such behavior also is mirrored by disillusioned liberals who are ditching bankrupt blue states in droves. Progressives dump foundering blue states to avoid confiscatory taxes, Draconian regulations, failed schools, mandatory unionization, rampant crime, political corruption and gun control. They are eager to escape the prevailing sense of malaise, torpor, ennui, angst, melancholy and disorder endemic in blue state America. They bolt to red states with lower taxes, better schools, fewer regulations, right to work laws, less crime and where everyday life is simpler and more humanistic.

    So, how do liberals behave after they decamp to red states? The transplanted progressives continue to vote for the same virulent, pernicious and toxic policies that will turn their new homes into the failed blue states they desperately fled. This is well underway as liberals despairingly abandon Puerto Rico for Florida, Massachusetts for New Hampshire and California for Nevada. They already changed voting patterns in those states. Recently, New Hampshire was a reliably red state, but libs fleeing Taxachusetts turned it blue. It is Independence Day deja vu. Will they ever learn?

      It is hard to draw any distinction between the rapacious aliens who invaded Earth on Independence Day and the Muslims invading Western Europe and the liberals invading, inter alia, Florida, New Hampshire and Nevada. There is one critically important difference however: the aliens invading Earth could always move on to other planets. That is not an option for us if Muslims and liberals are able to corrupt and despoil everything in their path and leave Earth a vast dystopian wasteland.

Our next post July 9th resumes the series about taxation in America.

Guns in America – Liberal Bogeyman

Progressives use guns as a bogeyman because they do not have real solutions. They
won’t confront the reality of evil so they inveigh against the instruments of evil.
 By: George Noga – January 24, 2016

     To begin this Guns in America series, there is one categorical truth to be chiseled in granite. The right to own and bear arms is not about target shooting, hunting, militias or even self-defense. It is first and foremost a political right put in the Constitution specifically for citizens to protect their liberty against tyrannical government. The literature is rife with quotes from the founding fathers to that effect.

Let’s turn to President Obama’s recent actions. First some history. The 1968 Gun Control Act mandated gun sellers obtain a federal firearms license even if they sold only a few guns from home. President Clinton changed that in 1994 by requiring a storefront operation for retail sales but licensing exemptions for other gun sales. Fast forward to 2016; Obama reversed Clinton, claiming storefronts are irrelevant and mandated home, gun show, flea market and internet sellers be licensed. All Obama has done is take the country back to where it was 48 years ago – basically rearranging the furniture. Predictably, this will have absolutely no effect on anything.

Gun control is a progressive kabuki. Liberal politicians dog whistle to their base but kowtow to the 42% of gun owning households. They promote toothless incremental changes. When the inevitable tragedy occurs, they resort to the same antediluvian canards knowing they will fail and then blame the NRA when it happens.

Despite all evidence and logic against it, gun control has become part of the liberal pantheon along with climate change, organic food and recycling. Following is but a partial list of the contradictions and disingenuity inherent in their beliefs.

  • No Obama action would have prevented any mass shooting. Reporters asked Josh Earnest (Obama press secretary) at a news conference to name any mass shooting that would have been stopped by Obama’s actions; he couldn’t.
  • Gun homicides in America decreased by nearly 50% since 1993; gun violence not resulting in death plummeted by way over half. This happened while population increased 60 million and gun ownership proliferated.
  • Over half of gun deaths are suicides and fewer suicides are from guns than from prescription drugs. The US suicide rate is similar to countries with strict gun laws and is far below paradigms of gun control such as Japan and South Korea. The ultimate liberal contradiction is they favor assisted suicide and euthanasia all the while railing shamelessly against gun suicides. Go figure.
  • Gun violence is greatest where there is liberal governance with uber-strict gun laws; think, inter alia, Chicago, Washington, Cleveland and Detroit.
  • Guns are used 2.5 million times a year to stop or prevent crimes. The only time terrorists were foiled was in Texas by an armed off-duty cop. Other mass killings stopped by armed citizens: Appalachian State, Shoney’s, Pearl Mississippi High School, Clackamas Mall, Edinboro School and New Life Church.
  • Broken window policing (gun control for bad guys) was working until liberals put an end to it. They don’t just want the bad guys’ guns, they want yours.
  • Liberals’ revulsion of guns is cultural. They live in a plastic bubble and never meet gun owners. They hear of guns only in connection with crimes. They are arrogant and condescending such as in “clinging to their guns and religion“.
  • Every time the left has a paroxysm over guns, there is a rush to buy more guns and ammo. It is a godsend to gun stores; you’d think they would learn.

Liberals use guns as an imaginary monster because they have no real solutions to problems such as Islamic terrorism, failing schools, a torpid economy or mass shootings. They just trot out their same fusty, doctrinaire, dog-eared shibboleths.

Next up is Part II – Guns in America compared to Canada and other countries.

The Truth About Matthew Shepard

By: George Noga – January 17, 2014
      Like me, you probably accepted the media version of Matthew Shepard’s murder; there was, after all, nothing to contradict it. As reported by the media, on October 6, 1998, Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old University of Wyoming student, left a Laramie bar late one night with two men, was brutally beaten and crucified to a fence post where he was left to die – although he clung to life for 6 more days.  He was murdered solely because he was gay in what universally has been touted as the hate crime of the century.
      Shepard’s vicious murder became a bedrock of liberal-progressive shibboleths about the hate permeating middle America. During the 15 years following Matt’s murder, liberal and gay rights organizations have orchestrated the activities listed below; they continue to this day with unabated intensity and undoubtedly will persist ad infinitum – whether or not they are true.
  1. Even before Matt died, national gay rights groups trumpeted Matt’s story as one of extreme homophobic cruelty and violence; they condemned Laramie, and by extension all of middle America, as a crucible of intolerance. The national media uncritically bought in and made the case a cause celebre. Matt was portrayed as an innocent martyr.
  2. At least four TV movies have been made – each one increasingly mawkish.
  3. The Shepard saga has spawned a panoply of art, poetry, publications, studies, museum exhibits, merchandise and dramatizations – which continue 15 years after his murder.
  4. Matt’s mother founded the Matthew Shepard Foundation, which sells goods including a hoodie emblazoned with “Erase Hate”. She travels widely and gives 50 speeches a year.
  5. The most successful commercial exploitation of Matt is The Laramie Project, a play staged thousands of times; it is among the 10 most ever performed plays in high schools. It  depicts life in middle America as ugly, violent, intolerant and hopelessly psychotic.
  6. Schools throughout the land use “Laramie” study guides that direct classroom discussion about homophobia, our culture of violence and rampant injustice in fly-over America.
    There is one thing wrong with the previously accepted facts of the Matt Shepard murder saga: they all are lies; none of them is true. What really happened was a murder resulting from a drug (methamphetamine) deal gone sour. To top it off, one of Matt’s murderers, Aaron McKinney, was also gay and likely had a prior sexual relationship with Matt Shepard. Also, the crucifixion to a fence post never happened. This bears repeating in a bigger font.
“Matt Shepard was murdered by his gay lover in a drug deal gone bad. Everything you ever thought you knew about Matt Shepard is a lie.” 
     The real facts have come to light only recently, primarily in a book published in October 2013 entitled “The Book of Matt“. Its author, Stephen Jimenez, is both progressive and gay. To his credit, he ended up writing a book far different than the one he originally intended by following facts wherever they led him. Jiminez studied Shepard’s murder for 13 years, interviewed hundreds of witnesses and scoured thousands of pages of public records. His book has been critically acclaimed even by gay groups and favorably reviewed by the Advocate.

The Real Lesson From Matt Shepard’s Murder

     The abject fecklessness of the media in the Shepard case is hard to fathom – even by someone who believes they are slime. It’s not just that they blindly accepted “facts” provided by biased sources advancing a point of view. Most disturbing of all is that Matt’s saga exposed their universally and deeply held belief that the monstrous brutality of Matt Shepard’s murder occurred solely because he was gay; moreover, such events were de rigueur in small town middle America. After all, these rubes all are gun-toting, homicidal, psychotic homophobes.
“The visceral contempt and hatred liberals, progressives and
the media have for America is the real hate crime of the century.”
      I also am disappointed with myself for having accepted the “official” media version of Matt’s death. At the time it happened and as the years have passed, I could not reconcile the ersatz facts of the Shepard case with my view of America. In the America I know and love, the events as originally reported could not have happened. I was right; they did not happen.
      The visceral contempt and hatred liberals, progressives and the media have for America, on full display for all to see in the Matt Shepard case, is the real hate crime of the century.

More Montana Moments

By: George Noga – September 24, 2013
        I didn’t see it coming. My lighthearted September 10 posting, Montana Moments, drew an exceptional number of favorable comments from readers – enough to elicit a sequel. I love northwest Montana and probably would move there if I were younger. Make no mistake, however; things there are different. Just how different are they?
        Recently in Florida I saw a small boy riding a tricycle in his yard with his parents hovering nearby. Even though his head couldn’t have been more than a few feet off the ground and it is hard to fall from a tricycle, he was wearing a helmet. This is not something you would see in Montana where young boys wearing helmets often means they are riding 500 pound bulls.
“In Montana eight (8) year old boys ride 500 pound bulls.”
      Every Thursday during the summer there is a rodeo behind the Blue Moon roadhouse in  Columbia Falls, Montana. In a typical week, up to ten boys as young as eight (8) compete in bull riding. I once was seated next to a woman who volunteered she was nervous because her son, who just turned 8, was riding a bull for the first time. There are precautions: the bulls are younger, the tips of their horns are cut back and the boys wear helmets. Nevertheless, ample danger remains from a contest pitting a 50 pound boy against a cantankerous 500 pound bull.
       Nor is it uncommon at these rodeos to see young kids with Crocodile Dundee type hunting knives sheathed and strapped to their belts and freely mingling with the 1,000 to 2,000 folks normally in attendance. Imagine for a moment the utter consternation that would ensue if a few kids turned up at a Florida junior high school football game wearing similar knives.
“Toy guns are not necessary in Montana; kids get real guns.”
      Let’s progress from knives to guns. Throughout much of the USA (especially in blue states) it is impossible to find a toy gun in a store. In Montana toy guns are not necessary as kids age 6  and even younger get real guns, and just not BB guns or pellet guns. This is not vastly different than the norms when I was growing up. All of us boys had BB guns by age 6, pellet guns by age 10 and .22 rifles by age 13. In the Orlando of the 1950s and 1960s no one considered it threatening to see 12-14 year old boys walking around residential subdivisions with .22 rifles.
       An 11 year old can  obtain a Montana hunting license and a youth’s first hunting license is free. Montana has special hunting seasons set aside strictly for youth ages 11-15. Youth deer hunting season is coming up October 17-18. In past years the two days of youth deer hunting season (always the Thursday and Friday before the regular deer season opens on Saturday) were so popular that few students attended school. Recently the state of Montana recognized this and now there is no school held during youth deer hunting season. For comparison, I checked on youth hunting in Florida. Generally and with only a few exceptions youth starts at age 16.
        Ultimately it comes to this. Would you like to live and raise a family where people are comfortable with 6 year olds having guns, 8 year olds riding bulls, kids wearing hunting knives at public events and 11 year olds hunting elk? Or, would you rather live where parents force tykes to wear helmets while riding tricycles in their yard? I may not have chosen for my son to ride a bull at age 8 but I would like to live where parents are free to make those choices.