Cabbages, Kings, VATs and IRAs

Uncle Sam is coming for your IRA


My last post (April 30) about the spending crisis showed the government would need $900B in 2023 to stabilize the Debt/GDP ratio at around 100%. The national debt held by the public is $25T, soon to be $30T. Not uncoincidentally, US retirement assets including IRAs, 401(k)s and pensions total $30T – more about this infra.

When the spending crisis attains critical mass in a few years, the government, facing the mother of all crises, will desperately seek honeypots; after all, why let a ginormous crisis go to waste? After racking my brain, I can identify only three honeypots big enough to matter; these are retirement assets, a carbon tax and a VAT.

Raising Tax Rates and Cutting Costs Won’t Work

First, we must eliminate the two most obvious honeypots – higher marginal income tax rates and less spending; neither is big enough . The income tax is organically incapable of raising more revenue because of Hauser’s Law, which states that income tax revenue, regardless of tax rates, always is 18% of GDP – marginally higher or lower during booms and busts. Whether tax rates are 92% as they were in the 1950s, or 28% as they were under President Reagan, the government collects the same 18% of GDP. Note: Hauser’s Law works because people adjust their behavior as tax rates change.

It is possible to cut spending, but not near enough to come close to freezing the debt ratio. Reductions of $900B are needed and the only way to get there by cutting costs is to savage Social Security, Medicare and most other government programs. To realize savings of $900B would require 30% across-the-board cuts in all programs including Social Security and Medicare, excepting only defense and interest on the debt.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

For a VAT to raise $900B, the rate would have to be around 20% and would cost $7,000 per year per household. Since lower-income households likely would be exempt, the effective cost would exceed $10,000 per year per affected household. Politicians have proposed VATs before. Paul Ryan’s Roadmap contained a VAT as did Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan; one of those nines was a VAT – and those were putatively conservative Republicans. If you think a VAT is farfetched, think again. Politicians like VATs because they are stealth taxes, embedded in everything we buy.

Carbon Tax

A carbon tax, part of a cap and trade scheme, comes with political advantages. It also is a stealth tax, passed on to consumers by utility companies. It can be touted as a way to combat global warming and it can be targeted at higher income cohorts for class warfare. A carbon tax can start out small and easily be ramped up.

IRAs, 401(k)s and Pensions

The biggest (by far) honeypot is pension assets. The Secure Act got the camel’s nose under the tent by requiring annuities be offered in all retirement plans – a precursor to mandatory annuitization, whereby government seizes IRAs in exchange for a government annuity. Think this is farfetched? Poland, Hungary, Ireland, Bulgaria and France, through one artifice or another, have seized money from pension assets. In the end, Uncle Sam, like Willy Sutton, must go where the money is; that’s your IRA.

Putting it All Together

As the nation is rent amidst the chaos and anarchy of the spending crisis, Americans will be of a mindset to go along with any government actions offering hope. Likely there will be a combination of actions such as listed below. Remember, it must amount to at least $7,000 for every household, every year with no ending point.

  • Enact a VAT at a modest teaser rate and then rapidly jack up the rate
  • Attack pension assets, such as requiring a portion be invested in government bonds, capping the size of accounts and forced annuitization
  • Pass a (cap and trade) carbon tax that will cause power bills to skyrocket
  • Make small, mostly cosmetic and back-end loaded, spending cuts
  • Raise Social Security age to 70, convert Medicare to a premium support model

Sadly, it won’t be enough; at best, it buys us a few more years. Even if we find the $900B to freeze the ratio, we have not solved the problem; we have merely stopped it from getting worse. Moreover, the added taxes will gravely harm economic growth; we will be caught up in a vicious circle. America will become a no-growth European-style welfare state; our country will be forever changed and our children and children’s children will be relegated to lives of quiet desperation.


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© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
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