“Who do you trust; benevolent bureaucrats or profit-hungry businessmen?”
“Government standards don’t assure safety and safe products fail to pass.”
“Okay so now who do you trust – the CPSC and FTC or UL and CR?”
“Who do you trust; benevolent bureaucrats or profit-hungry businessmen?”
“Government standards don’t assure safety and safe products fail to pass.”
“Okay so now who do you trust – the CPSC and FTC or UL and CR?”
“Over 99% of humanity has lived only in tyranny and repression.”
“A government’s maleficence increases exponentially with its size and power.”
Some level of government has proven to be necessary to protect us from outside threats, domestic violence and to enforce contracts and property rights. We face the same dilemma as Madison and Friedman: how do we cede government a legal monoply on the use of force while simultaneously controlling it and making sure it protects (rather than destroys) our liberty? Following are universal truths constant throughout time and space and applicable to all governments:
“More people died at Chappaquiddick than at Three MileIsland and Fukushima combined (from radiation).”
Everyone knows too much radiation can kill. However, most people take this factoid and extrapolate that therefore even small doses can be harmful. Consider the following facts:
“We have to kill the eagles in order to save them.”
“It is impossible to be too cynical about any claims made by Obama; he hasabsolutely no shame or compunction about lying whenever it suits him.”
To the extent income inequality is increasing, the cause is none other than Obama himself. Following are the top 10 Obama policies that are making the poor even poorer.
The BOT had not updated its regulations in 20 years. Its regulations were promulgated at a time when 10,000 metric tonnes was the norm and 20 lifeboats were adequate. That Titanic was 46,328 tonnes did not seem to occur to government. Nothing much has changed in 102 years regarding government regulation – except that we perhaps understand its pathology much better – thanks in part to public choice economics which teaches us:
“Obama’s solipsism and narcissism shield him from his economic illiteracyand give him delusions of adequacy. He is not unlike a blissfully ignorant child incessantly toying with the economic dials that control the real world.”
“Obama’s failure to grasp the depth of his economic ignorance is wholly consistent with that of a solipsist and narcissistwho believes only the self exists and who is preoccupied with only his feelings and is egotistically self-absorbed.”
“ObamaCare’s goal was not to insure the uninsured but to shift Americans from owning private insurance plans into becoming dependent on government plans.”
“ObamaCare is dividing Americans into 3 distinct cohorts. One-third will be dependent on Medicaid (ugh!); the middle cohort will have fewer and much less desirable choices; the top group will enjoy top-tier concierge services.”