Without Remembrance There Can Be No Redemption  

If remembrance is the key to redemption, the Japanese people are unredeemed

By: George Noga – August 9, 2016

     This post is on the anniversary of the Nagasaki bomb. It is a post I never should have to write and one in which I take absolutely no satisfaction. But it must be written and presented to a candid world. A former German president (Richard von Weizsacker) speaking of German war crimes said, “The secret of redemption lies in remembrance“.  By that standard, Japan has failed utterly and abjectly and deserves no redemption.

    It was only a few months ago (75 years after the fact) and following several decades of legal effort that Japan apologized for and settled its WWII slave labor claims. Only in late 2015 did Japan come to grips with its sexual slavery of young Korean girls; they had to be dragged kicking and screaming and settled only under duress. Japan has yet to accept responsibility for the Rape of Nanjing in which its troops, in a frenzy of racial hatred, slaughtered 300,000 Chinese civilians in a gruesome depraved manner.

    Nanjing was but one episode in a long train of Japanese atrocities. Other Japanese holocausts include the Bataan Death March, subhuman POW treatment, massacres in Shanghai and Hong Kong and the Yellow River flood when Japan destroyed dikes and murdered 1 million civilians. During Japan’s occupation of the Philippines, there were 72 documented massacres leaving over 120,000 dead. The list goes on and on; it includes Laha Airfield, Bangka Island, Parit, Sulong, Tol Plantation, Balikapan, Chekiang, Sandakan Death March, Truk, Manchuria, Pingfan and 40 more wretched massacres, holocausts, ethnic cleansings and atrocities by the Empire of Japan.

    In willful and flagrant disregard of the unambiguous historical record of the past 75 years, the Japanese people remain in denial. They refuse to teach in their schools about the Rape of Nanjing and exclude it from their history books. They persist in ignoring, downplaying and obfuscating their atrocious record of racism and terror. Japanese children are not told the ugly truth about their fathers’ and grandfathers’ actions.

    To anyone who now wants to give Japan a pass on its WWII atrocities, my response is straightforward: Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember the Bataan Death March! Remember Nanjing! Remember the POW camps! Remember all the other horrors Japan promulgated and about which it has national amnesia! Above all, never grant the Japanese people redemption until their collective memory improves and all their children learn the truth about their ancestors. Finally, on this 71st anniversary of Nagasaki, let’s pledge to remember the 3 million lives saved by the atomic bombs.

The next post August 14 addresses Obama’s overtime and payday loan rules.

Hiroshima Revisited 

American opinion about the use of atomic weapons on Japan has changed since 1945. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana).

  By: George Noga – August 6, 2016

    Today marks the 71st anniversary of the US attack on Hiroshima. We reexamine the wisdom of using atomic weapons on Japan and include recently declassified top secret US war plans for the invasion of Japan. The next post on August 9th, the anniversary of the Nagasaki attack, is titled Without Remembrance There Can Be No Redemption; it catalogues Japanese WWII atrocities and the Japanese people’s ongoing refusal to face up to their past horrors like the Rape of Nanjing, slave labor and comfort women.

    There were many casualties in Hiroshima (65,000) and Nagasaki (45,000); the exact number is disputed (some believe they were much higher) and may never be known. For perspective, the conventional US bombing of Tokyo killed 100,000; the allied bombing of Hamburg, Germany 50,000; and the battle of Stalingrad saw 1.5 million killed. In all of WWII, 80 million people perished. Finally, in Nanjing the Japanese Rape brutally slaughtered 300,000 civilians – nearly triple the atomic deaths in Japan.

    Americans’ attitudes have changed. In a nationwide 1945 Roper poll, 53% agreed with the atomic bombings; 14% believed we should have dropped them on an unpopulated area; 4% believed they should not have been used; and 23% favored using even more atomic weapons. The Roper poll was replicated in 2016; this time 28% agreed with the bombings; 32% favored a demonstration; 15% would not have used the bombs at all; and only 3% would have used even more bombs.

    Today, progressive revisionists claim the bombs were unnecessary because: (1) The Japanese already had decided to surrender and had so communicated that to the US via Sweden; (2) the bombs were dropped to intimidate the USSR; (3) it was a racist act and we would not have used such weapons against Germany; and (4) it was a genocidal war crime similar to what the US did in Vietnam. All of these assertions have been thoroughly disproved before; however, they are once again shredded by the recent release of top secret US war plans for the invasion of Japan.

    Only recently have the war plans for Operation Downfall been declassified. They provide compelling evidence that without the atom bombs, Japan would not have surrendered and there would have been 3-4 million additional casualties – 2 million Japanese, 1 million American and up to 1 million Chinese as the war in China was still ongoing and the Japanese were continuing to slaughter Chinese at an alarming rate. Following are but a few snippets of data from the Operation Downfall war plans.

  • General MacArthur estimated 1 million American casualties; his staff placed the number much higher. Initially 1,000 men would die per hour.
  • Japanese forces would vastly outnumber Americans unlike in all prior battles; Japan had 28 million men remaining in its combat forces.
  • It was expected to be the biggest blood-bath in modern warfare.
  • Russia would have invaded northern Japan and partitioned it just like Korea.
  • Japanese casualties were estimated (including by Japan) at over 2 million.

     Use of atomic bombs saved at least 3 million lives – mostly Japanese. The casualties that resulted from these attacks represented .0014 of all WWII deaths and, to repeat, only about 37% of the Chinese civilians that were massacred by Japan in Nanjing – which really was pure racism. As shown by the 2016 Roper poll, many Americans cannot remember the past; let’s hope we are not condemned to repeat it.

The next post is August 9th – the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing.

Transgenders, Dragons and Unicorns

So, you believe you may know a little something about transgender issues? Think again! Do you know about PGPs, cisgender, gender fluidity, pangender, otherkin and unigender?

By: George Noga – August 1, 2016

      A transgender went to the store where xe bought apples for xemself; xe ate xyrs apples for xem lunch. A pangender went to the store where they bought apples for themselves; they ate their apples for their lunch. A gender fluid went to the store where ve bought apples for perself; sie ate ver aples for vis lunch. The preceding illustrates approved uses of PGPs, or personal gender pronouns, of which there are at least 45, or 30 more than I used in this paragraph. This is serious business. The NYC Commission on Human Rights decreed anyone failing to use correct PGPs can be fined $125,000.

    The 99.994% of us who are cisgender, i.e. our self identity conforms to our biological gender, have much to learn. Transgender is merely the proverbial camel’s nose under the gender identity tent. Following are some other forms of gender identity.

    Gender fluid: Since gender identity is entirely subjective and self determined, it stands to reason that a person is whatever gender he/she/they/zie/sie/ey/ve/tey/exe/per decide(s) to be at any given day, hour or moment. Young people in particular are gender nonconformists and gender defiant and resist fixed gender identities.

    Pangender: Those who believe they are all genders rolled into one are pangenders and must be addressed with plural pronouns. An Oregon pangender teacher claimed harassment when others failed to use correct pronouns; she (they) settled for $60,000.

    Otherkin: Some people identify as nonhuman – dogs, lions, etc. Some identify as creatures that do not even exist such as dragons and unicorns. Some otherkins have modified their bodies to be more like their otherkin identity.

    Once the Pandora’s box of self identity has been opened, it will not be limited to gender issues. There is nothing to stop anyone from self identifying as being (1) disabled; (2) of a different race, ethnicity, minority group or nationality; (3) of a different age; and/or (4) of a different income cohort. A young healthy rich white person could self identify as being a person of color, poor, old and disabled to qualify for disability, social security and other government benefits. Where does it all end?

    Just as there is much more to transgender than you thought, there also is much more to the issue than just restrooms. How about locker rooms, showers, dorms, fraternities, sororities, sports teams and who knows what else? Actions that once were crimes, such as exposure, flashing and voyeurism, now would be perfectly legal. Dirty old men no longer need to lurk in the shadows; they can walk into any restroom or locker room with teenage girls; indeed, it already has happened at public swimming pools.

    Solutions are elusive. One Oklahoma school district opted for single stall restrooms which anyone could use for any reason. The Obama Administration would not approve this sensible solution and threatened loss of all Title IX funding. Not to worry – MLLG has a solution. Anyone who feels threatened can simply claim to be a unigender, a new (made up) gender that believes it must be accorded privacy. Since gender identity is entirely subjective and self determined, unigender must be as valid as any other gender.

    The Obama Administration asserts teenage girls simply need to get over their discomfort at seeing naked men next to them or showering with them. They fail to grasp the pure paradox of their position. On the one hand, they assert gender and genitalia are wholly irrelevant and demand young girls accept anything in a public facility. On the other hand, they assert that for transgenders, gender and genitalia are not only relevant but supremely important and that they shouldn’t have to get over their possible discomfiture in using restrooms that conform to their birth gender.

The next post is August 6th – the 71st anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb.

Derby: A Unique Montana Tradition

Derby is special because of the eclectic group of participants. Some players openly smoke dope, while other participants are deputy sheriffs who pretend not to notice.

By: George Noga – July 25, 2016

    During summer I lighten up my blog with anecdotes about my summer home in Whitefish, Montana. Whitefish is sited in the Flathead Valley of NW Montana only 50 miles south of Canada and 100 miles east of the upper panhandle of Idaho. I belong to the Whitefish Lake Golf Club that has a half-century tradition called Derby, which is open to anyone; I have been playing Derby for the past seven or eight summers.

    Each Thursday at high noon, anywhere from 15 to 27 golfers are divided into three man scramble teams made as equal as possible by the commissioner, the member in charge of Derby. The commissioner is chosen to maintain the Derby tradition and serves for life. The teams compete with only modest stakes of one dollar per person per hole. This could happen at almost any golf club in the USA, you may be thinking.

    Your thinking would be wrong; Derby is unique. For starters, all 15 to 27 golfers play as one group and manage to play 18 holes in about 4.5 hours – an average time for the course. Usually three people hit simultaneously; it is a miracle no one has been injured. Imagine the scene with 27 golfers and 15 golf carts barrelling down a fairway toward an unsuspecting foursome of visiting Canadians. Note: I spent several summers playing in Derby before I learned  that drunken Canadian was two words.

    What makes Derby special is the eclectic combination of participants. Players range in age from 18 to over 80. Some earn minimum wage; others are multi millionaires. Some are scratch golfers; others are high handicappers. Some lack higher education; others are professionals with doctorate degrees. There are Americans, Canadians and Native Americans. Many are Montanans; others like me hail from throughout the USA.

    Some players openly smoke dope while other participants are deputy sheriffs who pretend not to notice. Other players imbibe liberally from adult beverages in ubiquitous coolers in many golf carts. Some do both. There is a cohort of Mormon participants that conveniently ignores strictures against drinking and gambling. Some players have Derby nicknames too ribald to include herein. The repartee is incessant and priceless.

    Everyone clearly revels in the camaraderie despite what, on the surface, appear to be wide chasms among the various cohorts: young and old, rich and poor, accomplished golfers and duffers, dishwashers and attorneys, dropouts and PhDs, potheads and law enforcement officers and Mormons coexisting with gambling, drugs and alcohol.

    Two factors combine to make Derby an enduring tradition: (1) shared love of golf; and (2) Montana. Derby probably wouldn’t work outside Montana as there clearly is something very special in the air up here. If you golf and visit NW Montana, consider playing in Derby; you will understand why there is nothing quite like it anywhere.

    But if you should visit the Treasure State, please don’t stay too long; Montanans are fond of their bumper stickers reading: Welcome to Montana – Now Go Home. Recently, the population of Montana surpassed one million for the first time and the news was greeted universally throughout the state with great sorrow, gloom and melancholy.

The next MLLG post from Montana will be distributed in about a week.

The Infantilization of America

It is illegal to blow up a balloon before age 14 in certain blue states; meanwhile in Montana, kids 8 years old routinely ride bulls in rodeos; if  these kids were to move from Montana to Illinois, they must wait 6 more years to legally inflate a balloon.

By: George Noga – July14, 2016

     A nanny state is being imposed by progressives who believe they know better what is good for us; they began by infantilizing children but are bent on infantilizing all Americans. Age 16 has become the new age 10. Following is a small sample of nanny state regulations promulgated by the federal government and by certain blue states.

  • Amtrak will not accept unaccompanied minors under 13. Ages 13-15 can travel alone only by complying with rigorous preconditions. In effect, no one under 16 can travel alone. In Japan, 8 year olds frequently travel unaccompanied.
  • Children under 14 cannot be left at home without babysitters or legally blow up a balloon in some blue states.
  • OSHA bans see-saws, monkey bars and merry-go-rounds in playgrounds; all tree limbs lower than 8 feet above ground must be sawed off to prevent climbing.
  • Children are not allowed to walk to school in some places. One mother was charged with neglect when her children walked after missing the bus. Another mom was arrested for allowing her 9 year old to walk 1/4 mile to a McDonald’s.

   These strictures do not constitute mere advice or suggestions on the part of government nor are they attempts to reason or to persuade. They bear the full force of law. Miscreants and scofflaws are subject to the government’s monopoly on the legalized use of force. SWAT teams can and do take children from parents and subject them to the full panoply of horrors common to state agencies.

   Amidst all this infantilizing, it is comforting to know parts of the real America still exist. One such place is our summer home of Montana. During summers there is a weekly rodeo near the small town where we stay and a regular event is youth bull riding. Kids as young as 8 ride bulls; to be sure, the bulls are young with their horns cut back and the kids wear helmets. Still, the 500 pound bulls are undomesticated.

     At the same rodeo it is common to see teenagers with serious hunting knives (think: Crocodile Dundee) strapped openly to their waists. Imagine the same sight at a blue state junior high school football game. Within an instant panic would set in; heavily armed SWAT teams would fast rope in; and the stadium would be evacuated.

     In Montana a youth can get a hunting license at age 11 – and the first one is free. Youth deer hunting season is the Thursday and Friday preceding the opening of regular hunting season in October. So many youths go hunting that all schools in Montana have been forced to close during the two days of youth hunting season.

    Infantilization of children is child abuse. Emotional development of victims is hobbled; they are at increased risk of self harm; and they have academic problems and poor social skills. They are averse to responsibility and often fail as adults. Children are but the first victims; it is the aim of progressives to infantilize all Americans and to turn America into a nanny state with government as the nanny and all of us as children. As with all liberal doctrines promising benefits, the end result always is grave harm.

      I’m not sure I would want my eight year old to ride a bull or my eleven year old to go deer hunting. I am absolutely certain however that I prefer to live in a place like Montana that leaves such decisions up to parents rather than to the state.

The next post in about 10 days describes a zany Montana golf tradition – Derby!

President Obama and King George III

President Obama’s actions eerily parallel many of those of King George III. Our founders judged the king’s actions tyrannical enough to start a revolution

Special Independence Day Posting

By: George Noga – July 4, 2016

    The Declaration of Independence catalogues a long train of abuses by King George III that Americans considered oppressive enough to revolt against and to fight a long, bloody war for independence. Now, 240 years later, an American president has committed many of those same abuses; the similarities are striking as itemized below.

1. “He (George III) has suspended laws in their operation” (from the Declaration). Obama suspended and changed several parts of the ACA (ObamaCare) law. He granted his political supporters exemptions and illegally gutted the welfare reform law.

2. “He has dissolved representative houses” (Declaration). Obama recess appointments while the Senate clearly was not in recess are tantamount to dissolving a representative house. Courts ruled his actions unconstitutional but his appointees remain in office.

3. “He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and to eat out their substance” (Declaration). Obama appointed a multitude of unaccountable czars, covered up IRS abuse of political opponents and unleashed his EPA, NLRB, et al. to wreak havoc with innumerable illegal regulations.

4. “He has combined with others to subject us to jurisdictions unacknowledged by our laws” (Declaration). Obama wants US courts to be subject to rulings of international and foreign courts. He supports treaties (UN Law of the Sea) that subjugate Americans to the UN, international organizations and foreign courts. He refused to submit the Iran Nuclear Treaty for Senate ratification – dishonestly calling it an executive agreement.

5. “He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance” (Declaration). Obama, through his Attorney General, prevented Arizona and other states from enforcing laws to protect their citizens from imminent harm.

6. “He has refused his assent to laws necessary for the public good” (Declaration). Obama refuses to agree to critically needed laws without quid pro quo or poison pills;  a good example is failing to reduce corporate tax rates to end job-killing inversions.

7. “He has obstructed laws for the naturalization of foreigners” (Declaration). Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws and takes actions directly contrary to such laws. The only difference between Obama and George III is the direction of the immigration.

8. “He has excited domestic insurrections against us” (Declaration). Obama has given succor and cover to violent groups and criminals; he fanned the flames for the current war against police and the violent crime wave sweeping our inner cities.

  There are far more homologies between Obama and George III, but you get the idea.

  King George III was a non compos mentis hereditary sovereign monarch of a despotic foreign occupying power bent on the utter destruction of our liberty and the subjugation of the American people. President Obama is an elected representative of the American people sworn to uphold the Constitution and faithfully enforce the laws of the United States. It shouldn’t be hard to distinguish Obama’s actions from those of George III; however, Obama has proven to be one heck of a caricature of George III.

The next post scheduled for mid July begins our summer series, Montana Moments.

MLLG Extra – Hurrah for Brexit!

Brexit is an unalloyed blessing resulting in more liberty and less government

By: George Noga – June 28, 2016

    The Brexit vote truly was a seminal event of our time; as such, it compels timely comment from MLLG. The media, as usual caught up in argle-bargle and short-term fallout, missed the main story. Pure and simple – the Brexit vote was one for more liberty and less government! The people of the UK just eliminated an entire layer of government – and an oppressive and excrescent one at that. Only good things result whenever any people embrace the tree of liberty and prune back government.    

    Brexit was seminal because the Brits decisively took back their country from unelected and unresponsive Brussels bureaucrats. It was seminal because it demarks the beginning of the end of the European Union. It was seminal because it validates and energizes a powerful force sweeping the planet to end failed grand political experiments. It has direct repercussions for our own election in November.

    The EU is a failed experiment. It failed to deliver prosperity or even economic stability. Social and economic mobility are moribund. Economic growth is absent. Innovation is non-existent in electronics, software, drugs or even pop culture. Unemployment among the young is endemic; half in southern Europe are unemployed. They have created a generation without work skills or habits. Successful young people abandon continental Europe in droves for America and the UK.

    Many governments are effectively insolvent, kept afloat only by ECB financial repression, massive borrowing, quantitative easing, negative interest rates and a war on cash. Sales of safes are soaring throughout Europe. Europe is in entropy and Europeans are in a deep torpor from which they refuse to defend themselves; they think so little of their future, they even refuse to reproduce. They live lives of quiet desperation.

    Many events are falsely hailed as seminal; Brexit truly was such an event. The political landscape of Europe was transformed, likely forever. There will be uncertainty and some tumult in the time ahead as the political and economic disintegration of Europe proceeds apace. Nevertheless, the Brexit vote was an unalloyed blessing resulting in more liberty and less government. Hurray for Brexit!

The next post July 4th, Independence Day, compares Obama to King George III

Guns in America – Liberty vs. Government – MLLG Update

We address: (1) Guns in America redux; (2) MLLG status and website; and (3) the eternal struggle between personal freedom and government power.

By: George Noga – June 26, 2016

    This post touches briefly on three topics beginning with a followup to our February 2016 series: Guns in America, which enjoyed phenomenal distribution that propelled it to a high position on search engines including Google. Recently, we noticed a paper published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. Although it was published years ago, it has just now begun gaining widespread traction in the gun control debate.

  The paper is entitled: Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? To read, simply click the title. It documents that gun control has no correlation with criminal violence and, in fact, has a negative correlation, i.e. more guns, less crime. The authors concluded that gun control is ineffective because it does not affect the social, cultural and economic factors that are the real determinants of violent crime. Note: The main sources for the study include the CDC, US Academy of Sciences and United Nations.

Uncommon Wisdom about Liberty and Government

    It doesn’t get better than this; that’s why MLLG is publishing a lengthy quote. The case being discussed was before the Texas Supreme Court and involved eyebrow threading, a safe and traditional South Asian practice to remove unwanted hair. The State of Texas demanded threaders obtain cosmetology licenses requiring 750 hours of training (that did not include eyebrow threading), shut down of their businesses and fines of thousands of dollars. The threaders took Texas to court. Justice Don Willet wrote the following in his opinion supporting the threaders, who won the case 6-3.  

   “This case concerns the timeless struggle between personal freedom and government power. Do Texans live under a presumption of liberty or a presumption of restraint? The Texas Constitution confers power – but even more critically, it constrains power. What are the outer boundary limits of government actions that trample Texans’ constitutional right to earn an honest living? Must courts rubber-stamp even the most nonsensical encroachments on freedom? Are even the most patently farcical and protectionist restrictions unchangeable, or are there judicially enforceable limits?

    “This case raises constitutional eyebrows because it asks building-block questions about constitutional architecture – about how we as Texans govern ourselves and about the relationship of the citizen to the State. This case concerns far more than whether (Texans) can pluck unwanted hair with a strand of thread. This case is fundamentally about the American Dream and the unalienable human right to pursue happiness without curtsying to government on bended knee. It is about whether government can connive with rent-seeking factions to ration liberty unrestrained and whether judges must submissively uphold even the most risible encroachments.”

MLLG Preview and Website Update

    So far in 2016, MLLG has published two series, Guns in America and Inequality in America. We have blogged about, inter alia, the US election (3 times), climate change (3), government and socialism (3), school choice, tax inversions, Pope Francis, Islamic terrorism, Scandinavian economics and Jefferson-Jackson Day. Whew!

    For the second half of 2016, look for multi-part series on (1) climate change; (2) poverty, hunger and homelessness in America; and (3) financial repression, negative interest rates and the war on cash. Other pithy topics may include: China, political correctness, Greece and Puerto Rico, Uber and gay marriage (you’ll really like that one) and media bias. This summer, as customary, we lighten things up with posts about life in Montana – our summer home. We call these posts “Montana Moments“; enjoy!

Victory Over Radical Islamic Terrorism

A  highly practical and potent 10-part plan to defeat radical Islamic terrorism

By: George Noga – June 19, 2016

     At MLLG we don’t just consternate about problems, we are into solutions. This post presents an effective and powerful 10-part plan to defeat radical Islamic terrorism.

1. Know the enemy; use its correct name: The enemy is radical Islamic terrorism. Jihad is a 1,400 year old religious mandate for those who take the Quran literally. There are over 100 exhortations to violence in the Quran; those who comply are not extremists perverting Islam. Our present policy is one of self deception and political correctness. We must understand the enemy and use its correct name to defeat it. If Obama were president in 1941, he would have said we were attacked by militant expansionism.

2. Declare war: This is needed for clarity, focus and unambiguous commitment. Most importantly, it transforms the legal landscape in numerous positive ways. In a declared war our enemies only rights are per the Geneva convention; we can impose economic sanctions, take POWs, confiscate assets and arrest domestic collaborators as traitors.

3. Ban jihadist websites; make accessing one a serious crime: There already exists a proven model for this strategy, the successful campaign against child pornography. Are not jihadists even worse than child pornographers? Knowingly visiting such a website would be a felony. Return to the US following visits to jihadist locations would be banned. These measures would go a long way to stop self-radicalization. As with Bosnia, jihadist leaders should be tried in the World Court for crimes against humanity.

4. Deny terrorists all territory, revenue sources and staging areas: This requires boots on the ground. Most forces should be provided by our Sunni allies with the US acting as quarterback and to provide air, logistic, intel, naval and limited ground troops for specialized roles. Continue and expand drone attacks to decapitate leadership. As terrorists lose battles, they become seen as the weak horse and support evaporates.

5. Demand assistance from Moslem communities: Mosques and Moslem communities should be expected to police their communities and identify possible jihadists. We also should expect these communities to publicly renounce jihad and all forms of violence. In a declared war, anyone advocating jihad could be arrested for supporting the enemy.

6. Impose repercussions on families of jihadists: As in Israel, there must be measures taken against families (immediate family, siblings and two generations back) of mass killers. Measures would include, inter alia, deportation and forfeiture of assets. Anything we can do to change the calculus of possible jihadists could save many lives.

7. Initiate a massive public relations campaign: A sustained blitz to highlight barbaric practices such as child marriage, honor killing, genital mutilation, miscegenation and homophobia is needed. This type of psychological warfare should exact a toll – much as Reagan’s calling the USSR an evil empire. Remember, they call us the Great Satan.

8.  Expand Guantanamo; build new facility in St. Helena: Guantanamo is a model prison and better than most in western Europe. It needs to be vastly expanded. If there isn’t sufficient space at Gitmo, then we should lease land from the UK in St. Helena.

9. Do all the above for as long as necessary: Implement the preceding eight measures ASAP and continue until complete victory is achieved. This must be done with the understanding that the war may be an intergenerational one and that final and total victory may not be achieved until the time of our children or grandchildren.

10. Live our lives as usual: No amount of measures or vigilance will stop every Islamic terrorist attack and there will be setbacks. The best way to confront terrorism is to continue to live our lives according to our values – that drives jihadists even crazier.

    The 10-step plan outlined herein is a real solution to a real problem. Obama and progressives ignore or refuse to correctly name real problems, preferring fake solutions to fake problems. War is a terrible thing that no American welcomes. But as Leon Trotsky once said: “You may not be in interested in war but war is interested in you“.

Next we address the timeless struggle between personal freedom and government power.

Orlando Deaths Not Due To Climate Change

Those killed yesterday in Orlando were victims of a war that dare not speak its name.

Special Posting About the Orlando Terrorist Attack

By: George Noga – June 13, 2016

    As most readers know, MLLG is based in Orlando; accordingly, yesterday’s act of terrorism hit home. Firstoff, a few corrections to media reportage are needed. The US mass killing with the most fatalities is not Orlando; it was Waco, Texas with 84 killed. Instead of terrorists, the killing was perpetrated by Janet Reno. Second, it is inaccurate to describe the Orlando terrorist as a lone wolf; he had extensive ties to jihadists; he may have done the shooting but he was no lone wolf like say a Ted Kaczynski.

    Those slaughtered in Orlando were only the latest in a long train of similar atrocities. There have been over 30 separate fatal incidents. From the bombings in the Beirut embassy and marine barracks in the 1980s killing 241 soldiers, to the Berlin disco bombing, to Pan Am flight 103, to the 1993 attacks on CIA headquarters and the World Trade Center that killed many more – there was one common denominator.

   The Khobar Towers bombing in 1998 killed 19; this was followed by the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania killing scores more. Seventeen sailors died in the USS Cole attack and another 2,997 Americans perished in the World Trade Center. These were followed by the Daniel Pearl beheading, Karachi Consulate attack, murder of marines in Kuwait, the Riyadh bombing and yet more beheadings in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Khartoum – again, there was only one common denominator.

    At Fort Hood 13 more died; Benghazi saw the slaughter of our ambassador and 3 others; and the Boston Marathon massacre saw 3 killed and 183 injured. Just within the past year there were 4 marines killed in Chattanooga, the 14 deaths in San Bernardino and now, Orlando. Yes – all this terror and slaughter had a single common denominator.

    What is the common denominator responsible for this horror that has been with us for 33 years? Is it climate change, corporate tax inversions, workplace violence, wage inequality or fossil fuels? Is it Citizens United, the TPP, gender specific restrooms, gluten, campus rape culture, too big to fail, white racism, lack of free community college, war on women, low minimum wages or state right to work laws? Or could it be the accumulation of microagressions or lack of trigger warnings or safe rooms?

    Could the common thread possibly be GMOs, fracking or even religious opposition to birth control and gay marriage by bakers, florists and nuns? Could the common denominator be lack of sustainability, broken window policing, the vast right wing conspiracy, Chick-fil-A or even the legacy of George W. Bush?  Or, were all of these horrific incidents merely isolated crimes best handled by the criminal justice system?

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, we are in the midst of a war against an enemy that dare not speak its name. The over 100 dead and wounded in Orlando yesterday were not killed by climate change, fracking or GMOs; they were killed by radical Islam.

Note to readers: In the time ahead we will have much more about terrorism.

The next post on June 19th explains why business succeeds while government fails.