About MLLG & Author

About MLLG & Author

Information about More Liberty – Less Government (MLLG)

When MLLG began in 2007 there were 150 readers and posts were sent via USPS. Readership has since expanded exponentially. Many people receive our free weekly posts directly via our commercial email service; also, many of them regularly forward the posts to their own lists of family and friends. However, a far greater number of people receive our posts via other blogs, websites and electronic journals that pick up some or all of our postings. The other media that pick up our posts sometimes have as many as three million hits a month and some weeks we have received over 1,000 likes. Some of our posts have gone viral on the internet and appeared on the first page of Google searches.

We publish a post each Sunday with breaks (usually of 2-3 weeks duration each) in the spring, summer and Christmas. Our posts range between 500 and 750 words and can be read in a few minutes. We blog about politics, economics and human interest. Over the years certain topics have emerged as MLLG’s signature issues; these are: (1) climate change; (2) the spending crisis; and (3) school choice. We aim to provide pithy, provocative analysis and perspective not found elsewhere. Our posts contain both fact and opinion. We take great care with facts; since 2007 and with tens of thousands of readers (of all political persuasions) we have had facts questioned only two times.

Our name says it all! We unabashedly approach matters from a more liberty – less government perspective, showcasing the blessings of liberty and the evils of government in a principled and fact-based manner. We strive to be nonpartisan. We don’t care much for either major political party; however, we do not wear blinders and understand that one of them will get us to perdition faster than the other. We respect facts and logic and follow those stars wherever they lead. We show no quarter in attacking progressive ideas but do not engage in ad hominem attacks or demonize those with whom we disagree.

Mission Statement

Our mission is “To give our children’s children that infinitesimally better chance for liberty.” It is a cri de coeur for our beloved republic. We are standing athwart America’s steady march toward socialism screaming “stop”. We are constantly mindful that of the 115 billon humans who ever have trod this earth, fewer than 1% lived their lives in liberty; even today, only about 10% enjoy freedom. Alexander Hamilton’s eternal question still lingers, “Are societies of men capable of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or forever destined to depend on accident and force?” 

As Hamilton knew, whether any society of men gets its politics right or wrong affects every aspect of life and even life itself. If we get our politics right, we live our lives in freedom and prosperity. If we get our politics wrong, happiness and prosperity are forfeit and our lives are brutish and brief. Our children’s children will be a lost generation living lives of quiet desperation in a Clockwork Orange world of staggering debt and climate madness, surrounded by nuclear armed enemies committed to our destruction. The gods of the copybook headings, with terror and slaughter, will return.

There is a second, and much darker, reason for this blog. If it proves too late to prevent the self-destruction of our beloved republic, we will leave a historical record so that our children’s children will know there once was such a wondrous thing as the fire of liberty and that some of us took great care to preserve embers of that flame until some glorious future day when the embers may be used to reignite the torch of liberty.

About the Author

George Noga has backgrounds in business, economics and politics as well as considerable writing experience. He has BS and MBA degrees in finance, is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and holds numerous other professional designations. Early in his career, he worked in corporate finance in New York City. After 10 years in the corporate world, he started his own business – a financial services firm which became one of the top 50 privately owned firms in Central Florida.   

Noga has been involved in national, state and local politics for over half a century. He earned his political bona fides early. He was hyperactive in politics during college, holding several of the highest offices in student government. While in graduate school, he worked full time on tax and economic policy for a gubernatorial campaign that defied all odds to unseat an incumbent governor – a first in Florida. In that campaign Noga worked closely with some of the top national political operatives. During the Nixon Administration he was in line for appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Interior but the emerging Watergate scandal halted Senate consideration of Nixon appointees. 

After moving back to Florida, Noga was offered gubernatorial appointments at various times but declined most of them. He did serve on the Industrial Development Authority but declined reappointment to a second term. He wrote an op-ed column for a local newspaper for many years and also headed a major arts organization. He served on the advisory board of the James Madison Institute, a statewide think tank and is one of only a few people ever designated as a “JMI Angel” for his work on school choice. He also cofounded and cochaired the Center-Right Coalition of Central Florida

George Noga’s signal accomplishment was starting the school choice movement in Florida. In 1994 he began the first voucher program in the state and only the fourth in America. The organization he started and ran for 10 years (now Step Up For Students) provides 103,000 scholarships annually for children from low income families at a cost of $700 million. He also served for many years on the board (along with three billionaires) of Children First America, which started voucher programs in over 100 US cities.  

George Noga was born in 1943 and has been retired for several years. He and his wife reside outside of Orlando, Florida and spend their summers in Whitefish, Montana.