We have received numerous requests from readers for the MLLG position on the Trump presidency; here it is. Firstoff, Trump is more populist than conservative; many of his positions are eerily similar to Bernie Sanders’. Nonetheless, Trump clearly was preferable to Clinton by a country mile. Here is the great. good, bad and ugly.
The Ugly
- NAFTA and TPP are the ugliest of the uglies of Trump positions. However flawed these trade agreements, they are vastly superior to tariffs and to trade barriers. We adhere to Milton Friedman’s belief that America is better served even if we unilaterally abolished all tariffs and barriers – and even if no other nation reciprocated.
- Trump’s China policy is downright scary. Starting a trade war with China is a no-win situation. Even if, as Trump asserts, China uses low-cost labor, imposes import barriers, subsides exports and manipulates its currency, Americans benefit.
- The War on Drugs will be continued. This is a failed policy and no good (and considerable harm) will come from continuing, or even ramping up, the drug war.
The Bad
- Asset forfeiture and eminent domain abuse will continue; this is anti liberty.
- Intervention in private business such as with Carrier and Boeing is problematic.
- Support for police ignores the need for serious reforms required to end abuses.
- Bigger deficits and his tendency to shoot from the hip are troubling.
The Good
- Rebuilding the nuclear triad and the military are essential. This is one of the few areas where government truly is necessary – to protect against external threats. This includes the war on terror, veterans affairs, Israel and the incendiary Middle East.
- Repeal of Obamacare and Obama’s regulations is an unleavened blessing.
- Education, energy and environmental policies will be signal strengths of the Trump presidency. His position on climate change alone is a great step forward.
The Great
- His appointees to the cabinet and to the White House staff are the strongest group since perhaps Washington’s first cabinet containing Hamilton, Jefferson. and Franklin.
- Trump’s appointments to SCOTUS and the judiciary will honor the Constitution.
- Cutting taxes, abolishing regulations and exposing media bias qualify as great.
As you can see, it is a mixed bag for those of us whose lodestar is more liberty and less government. The gestalt or oeuvre however, compared to the alternative, is vastly superior. With Hillary there was vast downside and little, if any, upside. With Trump there is at least some possibility that our best hopes for America may be realized.
Next up January 29th is our post: Kitty Genovese and Congressional Democrats