Victory Over Radical Islamic Terrorism

A  highly practical and potent 10-part plan to defeat radical Islamic terrorism

By: George Noga – June 19, 2016

     At MLLG we don’t just consternate about problems, we are into solutions. This post presents an effective and powerful 10-part plan to defeat radical Islamic terrorism.

1. Know the enemy; use its correct name: The enemy is radical Islamic terrorism. Jihad is a 1,400 year old religious mandate for those who take the Quran literally. There are over 100 exhortations to violence in the Quran; those who comply are not extremists perverting Islam. Our present policy is one of self deception and political correctness. We must understand the enemy and use its correct name to defeat it. If Obama were president in 1941, he would have said we were attacked by militant expansionism.

2. Declare war: This is needed for clarity, focus and unambiguous commitment. Most importantly, it transforms the legal landscape in numerous positive ways. In a declared war our enemies only rights are per the Geneva convention; we can impose economic sanctions, take POWs, confiscate assets and arrest domestic collaborators as traitors.

3. Ban jihadist websites; make accessing one a serious crime: There already exists a proven model for this strategy, the successful campaign against child pornography. Are not jihadists even worse than child pornographers? Knowingly visiting such a website would be a felony. Return to the US following visits to jihadist locations would be banned. These measures would go a long way to stop self-radicalization. As with Bosnia, jihadist leaders should be tried in the World Court for crimes against humanity.

4. Deny terrorists all territory, revenue sources and staging areas: This requires boots on the ground. Most forces should be provided by our Sunni allies with the US acting as quarterback and to provide air, logistic, intel, naval and limited ground troops for specialized roles. Continue and expand drone attacks to decapitate leadership. As terrorists lose battles, they become seen as the weak horse and support evaporates.

5. Demand assistance from Moslem communities: Mosques and Moslem communities should be expected to police their communities and identify possible jihadists. We also should expect these communities to publicly renounce jihad and all forms of violence. In a declared war, anyone advocating jihad could be arrested for supporting the enemy.

6. Impose repercussions on families of jihadists: As in Israel, there must be measures taken against families (immediate family, siblings and two generations back) of mass killers. Measures would include, inter alia, deportation and forfeiture of assets. Anything we can do to change the calculus of possible jihadists could save many lives.

7. Initiate a massive public relations campaign: A sustained blitz to highlight barbaric practices such as child marriage, honor killing, genital mutilation, miscegenation and homophobia is needed. This type of psychological warfare should exact a toll – much as Reagan’s calling the USSR an evil empire. Remember, they call us the Great Satan.

8.  Expand Guantanamo; build new facility in St. Helena: Guantanamo is a model prison and better than most in western Europe. It needs to be vastly expanded. If there isn’t sufficient space at Gitmo, then we should lease land from the UK in St. Helena.

9. Do all the above for as long as necessary: Implement the preceding eight measures ASAP and continue until complete victory is achieved. This must be done with the understanding that the war may be an intergenerational one and that final and total victory may not be achieved until the time of our children or grandchildren.

10. Live our lives as usual: No amount of measures or vigilance will stop every Islamic terrorist attack and there will be setbacks. The best way to confront terrorism is to continue to live our lives according to our values – that drives jihadists even crazier.

    The 10-step plan outlined herein is a real solution to a real problem. Obama and progressives ignore or refuse to correctly name real problems, preferring fake solutions to fake problems. War is a terrible thing that no American welcomes. But as Leon Trotsky once said: “You may not be in interested in war but war is interested in you“.

Next we address the timeless struggle between personal freedom and government power.