Progressivism is A Maze of Contradictions

Female fetuses are aborted for gender selection to protect their rights as women.

Progressivism is A Maze of Contradictions

By: George Noga – October 23, 2022

Liberals believe the darndest things including obvious and preposterous contradictions. They champion anti-American Palestinians, governed by dictators, who pay bounties to families of suicide bombers, throw gays off tall buildings and treat women as chattel. They demonize Israel, a pro-American democracy, that goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties and respects and protects the rights of women and gays.

Their mantra is “follow the science” but ignore it when it doesn’t support their dogma regarding GMOs, vaccines, fracking, organic food, and pesticides. They believe it is okay for millions of illegal immigrants to be unvaccinated, but Djokovic cannot play in the US Open and young children must wear masks even when playing outdoors. They are for less emissions but oppose natural gas and nuclear, the best ways to cut CO2.

Liberals oppose photo IDs for voting but are fine with requiring them for air or train travel, TSA, hotels, passports, renting a car, buying a gun, getting a mortgage, hunting or fishing license, job, unemployment, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, bank or brokerage accounts, cell phones, buying alcohol or tobacco, taking the SAT, giving blood, adopting a pet and for admission to the Democratic National Convention.

Liberals are passionate about a woman’s right to choose but oppose her right to choose where to school her kids, to buy a gun, to get vaccinated or to join a labor union. They claim their bodies are sacrosanct while demanding coerced vaccinations. They believe a young girl can have an abortion or undergo gender transition without parental notification or consent but can’t get a tattoo. In what has to be the most preposterous contradiction of them all, progressives believe in abortion for gender selection – in which 99% of aborted fetuses are female. In other words, progressives believe females should be aborted in order to protect their rights when they are women.

They call Republican claims of election fraud insurrection while asserting Stacey Abrams is governor of Georgia – despite losing by 50,000 votes. They are feminists but are okay with trans women (biological males) destroying girls’ sports. They believe Sweden and Nordic nations are socialist, but they are capitalist with taxes less progressive than in the US, where the bottom 60% pay no income tax net of credits.

Progressives want to tax the rich but protect carried interest, which benefits only private equity and hedge fund tycoons. They want unlimited SALT deductions that benefit only the top 3%. Instead, they raise corporate taxes, of which 98% are passed on as higher prices to working Americans. They unleash 87,000 new IRS auditors to suck out the sustenance of small business owners. They believe corporate money in politics is evil but megabucks from labor unions is peachy keen. They believe MSNBC is mainstream, but Fox News is extreme. They applaud the FBI for going after the Trump family but not Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s corrupt dealings.

Liberals beg dictators in Russia, Iran and Venezuela to produce more dirty energy, thus enriching our enemies and despoiling the environment, while doing everything possible to cripple clean energy production and distribution in the US and Canada. They rail against child labor in third world countries that produce goods for Walmart but are silent about child and slave labor working in deplorable conditions in the mines of Zambia, Congo and China that produce lithium and cobalt for EVs driven by elites.

Progressives consider abortion a constitutional right although it is not mentioned anywhere in that document nor is it deeply embedded in tradition. But they believe the right to keep and to bear arms is unconstitutional although it is explicitly stated in the Constitution and deeply rooted in American history and tradition. They believe labor unions are beneficial even though 94% of private sector workers reject them.

They believe America is racist despite a two-term black president, a sitting black vice president and political control of most major cities. In a recent survey, those who identified themselves as “very liberal” believed 10,000 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year. Those who identified as “liberal” put the death toll at 1,000 unarmed blacks killed by police. The actual number last year was six. They believe 50 million abortions since 1973 are just fine but that 1,500 legal executions are evil. They believe in open borders today but condemn them when Europeans migrated to America.

How is it possible for anyone with an IQ in triple digits to believe so many obviously and preposterously contradictory things? To be a progressive in America you must believe all the absurd incongruities enumerated in this posting. But no worries, life in the progressive hive is very easy. There is no identity but that derived from the hive; there are no values but hive values and there are no thoughts but hive thoughts.

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