They promise Elysium, Xanadu and Zion; you get Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
Socialism’s Promises Versus Its Realities
By: George Noga – October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween! Imagine an entire nation going trick or treating hoping to get a treat of Utopia, but instead gets a trick of dystopia. Today there are only three truly socialist states: Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea; former socialist states include the USSR, China Vietnam, Yemen, Cambodia, Eastern Europe and several in Africa. China (today), Sweden and the Nordic nations have market economies and are not socialist.
Why do so many people desire socialism despite its dismal record? Socialists make high falutin, seductive promises such as: “from each according to his ability; to each according to his need”. They appeal to a basic human egalitarian ideal that the world somehow would be better if everyone held hands, sang Kumbaya and shared equally. Many intellectuals believe their ideas are superior but they must have control over others to achieve their goals. Another path to socialism is incrementalism and this is the great danger now facing America; we are slouching toward socialism.
Almost everyone understands that socialism fails to deliver the goods, while capitalism delivers a veritable cornucopia. Yet America is moving closer and closer to socialism. It’s like taking increasing doses of a potent drug we know eventually will kill us but that delivers a momentary high. Americans – especially the young – are beguiled by the Siren song of collectivism and its flirtatious promises. Therefore, it is altogether fitting that we examine socialism’s myriad promises and compare them to the results.
The Promises Versus the Realities of Socialism
They (socialists) promise you liberty; they give you the Berlin Wall and closed borders with watchtowers, mine fields, razor wire, and vicious dogs. They promise equality; they give you equal squalor and poverty. They promise a clean environment; they give you a toxic wasteland. They promise modernity; they give you Chernobyl and Aeroflot. They promise a classless society; they give you elites with dachas living in decadent luxury. They promise freedom; they give you Gulags, Stasi and the KGB.
They promise Apple, Google and Disney; they give you lines, shortages and shoddy goods. They promise peace; they give you war. They promise hope; they give you nihilism. They promise a Volkswagen; they give you a Trabant. They promise Eden, they give you hell on earth. They promise plentitude; they give you rationing. They promise Utopia; they give you dystopia. They promise truth; they give you Pravda.
They promise Elysium, Xanadu, Valhalla and Zion; they give you North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and the USSR. They promise comradeship; they give you the secret police. They promise freedom; they give you totalitarianism. They promise progress; they give you stagnation. They promise fulfillment of eternal dreams; they give you nightmares. They promise hope; they give you lives of quiet desperation. They promise a new social order; instead, they give you a smorgasbord of virulent social pathologies.
They promise Sweden; they give you Angola. They promise pristine intentions; they give you devastating results. They promise education; they give you propaganda, reeducation camps and little red books. They promise Singapore; they give you Yemen. They promise technology; they give you antiquated products. They promise the arts; they give you censored and banned books, movies, radio, TV and internet. They promise justice; they give you show trials, preordained verdicts and persecution.
They promise butter; they give you guns. They promise a treat; they give you a trick. They promise a workers’ paradise; they give you nations held captive to keep workers from escaping paradise. They promise morality but are the embodiment of evil in the world. They promise good government; they give you kleptocracy, oligarchy and cronyism. They promise elections but they murder or imprison opponents and journalists. They promise abundance; they give you starvation amidst plenty. They promise a better life; they give you death, killing 100+ million of their own people.
Socialists promise the moon; instead, they give you a phantasmagoria of lies, terror, slaughter, misery, poverty, injustice, death, desperation and social pathology.
Our next post about elections in America is titled: Run Forest Run
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