Asian-Americans: Victims or Oppressors?

The stunning achievements of Asian-Americans destroy the liberal meme of victimhood.

Asian-Americans: Victims or Oppressors?
By: George Noga – June 6, 2021

Progressives believe in many obvious contradictions; in fact, most of what they believe is contradictory. As but one glaring example, they support gender-selective abortion, i.e. the systematic abortion of female fetuses. They believe it is imperative to abort females in the womb in order to protect their rights when they are women, i.e. “We had to destroy the village in order to save it”. I could fill this post with more examples.

It therefore should come as no surprise that progressive dogma about Asian-Americans is hopelessly contradictory. On the one hand, they argue Asians, as people of color, constitute a victim group. On the other hand, they assert the success of Asians makes them white-adjacent and hence part of the oppressor class. Progressives have no shame in arguing both ways – depending on what suits their purpose at the moment.

Asian-Americans as Victims of White Supremacy

There have been high-profile attacks against Asian-Americans. The dominant media meme blames these on white supremacy, i.e. as attacks by whites on people of color. In the woke progressive narrative, it’s all Trump’s fault. Biden blamed the attacks on Trump’s naming Covid the Wuhan Virus and alleged it stoked bullying, harassment and hate crimes against Asian-Americans. Let’s look at the facts about these claims.

In the Atlanta massage parlor attacks, the attacker denies targeting Asians. In the Manhattan attack, the perpetrator was African-American. The Justice Department’s most recent Criminal Victimization report categorizes attacks on Asians by the race of the attacker. The report shows African-Americans responsible for 28%, other Asians 24%, whites 24% and Hispanics 7%; data are unavailable for the remaining 17%. In New York City, of those arrested for hate crimes against Asians, 10% were white while 60% were African-American and 30% Hispanic. The data disprove the progressive fairy tale of white supremacist hate crimes against Asian-Americans.

Asian-Americans as White-Adjacent Oppressors

The woke storyline is that Asians are people of color. Progressive dogma divides all Americans into two cohorts: oppressors (defined as white) and victims (defined as everyone else). However, the stunning achievements of Asian-Americans destroy the progressive myth of victimhood and raise embarrassing and vexatious questions.

Asian-American successes are legion; throughout school they overachieve. Their SAT scores (especially math) blow by everyone else’s. Their children have a virtual lock on the national spelling bee. Their performance makes prestigious universities place quotas on their admission. Median household income for Asians is $98,000, eclipsing whites ($76,000) and blacks ($46,000). The poverty rate for Asians is similar to whites but one-third that of blacks and Hispanics. I could go on, but you get the picture.

This consternates progressives. When Asians are included in the non-white category, it raises nearly any metric being measured to near equality with whites. Liberals respond by reclassifying Asian-Americans as white-adjacent – and lumping them in the same group as whites – even if they hail from southern India. Thus, they have banished Asians from the victim group and moved them into the white-oppressor class.

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Liberals contort themselves into pretzels trying to square Asian-American success with their race-baiting politics. Asians are not being attacked by whites and they certainly are not victims. To the embarrassment (if they are capable of embarrassment) of progressives, the astonishing achievements of Asian-Americans shred the progressive shibboleth of whites as oppressors and non-whites as victims. Perhaps worst of all, it conveys to children of color that accomplishment is white. Remember, Critical Race Theory teaches that meritocracy is a white concept used to oppress non-whites.

Next: Humanity is divided into two camps: controllers and leave us alone.

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