Critical Race Theory, White Fragility and Equity

If you believe you are not a racist, that simply proves how racist you really are; you are
so racist you didn’t even know it. If that upsets you, it is proof of your white fragility.

Critical Race Theory, White Fragility and Equity

By: George Noga – May 9, 2021

The dictionary definition of racism is: discrimination or prejudice based on the belief a particular race is superior to another in character or ability. Not being a racist seems straightforward, i.e. treat everyone alike and practice the golden rule; right? Wrong!

Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) asserts there is no such thing as not being racist; you are either a racist or an anti-racist. And being anti-racist means adherence to an ideology that whites accept their behavior is racist and has been for 400 years. Failure to accept that is prima facie proof of racism; if that bothers you, it is due to your white fragility.

Per CRT, all that matters about you is your race; that, and that alone, defines who you are. Racism is present everywhere and always. All racial progress is a mirage. You are either a victim or an exploiter. Critical Race Theory has five fundamental tenets.

  1. Centrality and intersectionality: Racism permeates American life; it is embedded in our culture, institutions and way of life. Color blindness and meritocracy are used by whites to feel good about themselves while oppressing minorities.
  2. Interest convergence: Whites allow racial justice and progress only to the extent there is something in it for them, i.e. the interests of whites and blacks converge.
  3. Race is a social construct: From Dred Scott and Jim Crow to the present, race has been constructed socially to the detriment of people of color.
  4. Storytelling and counter-storytelling: The experiential knowledge of people of color is critical to understanding racism and oppression. Lived experience must be taken seriously and used to debunk white middle class myths and values.
  5. Civil rights laws and affirmative action benefits whites: Brown vs. Board of Education was a white victory. Martin Luther King was both wrong and naïve.

Your children are being taught CRT in schools throughout America. They are told to remedy racist discrimination, there must be anti-racist discrimination; to remedy past discrimination there must be present discrimination. If you treat people equally regardless of race, you are a racist. Silence favors the status quo, violently oppressing black and brown people. There must be no such thing as an apolitical classroom.

“America has made more moral progress during the past 60 years

regarding race relations than any civilization in history.” (Steele)

Pushing back against CRT, noted African-American author Shelby Steele asserts that “Blacks today are far more likely to receive racial preferences, be celebrated for their race and be promoted above their skill level than to be held back.” Can there be even one gifted black child in America who has not been identified and placed on a fast track for success? Steele again, “I don’t know anywhere blacks are held back. They’re not just pushed forward, but they’re dragged forward into American life.”

Equity Versus Equality

Blacks have made breathtaking progress in politics, media, sports, academia and business. Despite these genuine accomplishments, the lives of many blacks have not benefitted. They inhabit the same crime-infested dysfunctional neighborhoods even though they have been governed by black mayors and police chiefs for many decades. Black children still attend the same terribly broken government schools. Black Lives Matter squandered its success on ephemeral sloganeering and failed to accomplish anything that matters to black lives. See our 12/6/20 post about BLM at:

Equity is simply a more palatable name for socialism.

Because of the failure of progressive ideas and governance over the past 60 years to materially improve the lives of inner-city blacks, proponents of Critical Race Theory and their progressive fellow travelers no longer believe in equality as in equality of opportunity or equality under the law. Their ultimate goal now is equity, which is the new buzzword for equality of outcomes and a more euphonic name for socialism.

Critical Race Theory, white fragility and equity have insinuated themselves into most schools and institutions. Meanwhile, the futures of over ten million black and brown children are being snuffed out by the systemic racism of failed government schools due to progressives, teachers unions and the NAACP. (See our post of 10/4/20).

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