Restoring Integrity to America’s Elections

At least three or four US presidents owe their election to fraud.

Restoring Integrity to America’s Elections

By: George Noga – January 24, 2021

America experienced back-to-back election debacles in 2016 and 2020. In 2016 it was failure to accept the results due to alleged foreign interference. In 2020 it was fraudulent voting. Recounts accomplish little if they merely recount votes including illegal ones. Voter fraud has a lengthy provenance in the USA and there have been at least three presidents elected fraudulently – four, if you include Rutherford Hayes.

Benjamin Harrison defeated Grover Cleveland in 1888 due to fraud in Harrison’s home state of Indiana. Following a massive pubic outcry, Indiana’s election laws were reformed and in 1892 Cleveland won by carrying Indiana. LBJ won his 1948 senate seat by 87 votes – the final 200 of which were all for Johnson, in the same ink, same handwriting and in alphabetic order; otherwise, LBJ would not have been president. Finally, the 1960 election was stolen for JFK due to rampant fraud in Illinois.

Stealing elections is as American as apple pie. In my high school, the administration changed the results of student elections if they didn’t like the outcome, even for homecoming queen. In college, student government vote fraud was rampant. In my fraternity, the election for sweetheart was rigged so the fraternity president’s girl friend won – even though she was disliked. My psychiatrist friends tell me 90% of their patients’ problems revolve around money, sex and/or power. Politics involves all three of these (in spades), so cheating in elections should be no shock to anyone.

During colonial times, people voted aloud to have their votes recorded. In the early days of the republic, there were no secret ballots and vote buying was commonplace. After secret ballots were introduced in the 1880s, voting declined by about 20% due to the absence of vote buying. By 1892, 38 states had adopted secret ballots.

If Americans no longer trust elections, we are no better than banana republics. Polls show large swaths of Americans believe there was rampant fraud in the 2020 election. If this continues, it will lead to violence and anarchy. If cheating is rewarded, it will increase. Unless we restore integrity to our elections, we will reap the whirlwind. The following reforms must be instituted to restore credibility to our elections.

  1. The entire process must be 100% transparent including to poll watchers.

  2. There must be an audit trail that matches every ballot to an eligible voter.
  3. Absentee ballots must be requested individually by registered voters.
  4. Voter rolls must be purged often of deaths, non-deliverable addresses, etc.
  5. Everyone must have government issued photo ID to vote – no exceptions.
  6. All votes must be received no later than when the polls close.
  7. Ban mail-in voting, the greatest source of potential cheating.
  8. Early in-person voting allowed no more than 7 days before an election.
  9. No vote harvesting – only one vote (or family) at a time to be turned in.
  10. Make it a felony to violate these laws and vigorously prosecute offenders.

A huge majority of Republicans, a majority of independents and a significant cohort of Democrats believe there was widespread fraud in 2020. It doesn’t matter whether they are right – the fact they credibly believe it is a serous problem. We must not only end voter fraud, we must prevent even the appearance of, or the potential for, fraud.

Without integrity and transparency, our elections will become like those of Russia, Venezuela or Belarus. Today, it is the Democrats who believe they win from failing to reign in fraud. But if our elections are to be decided opaquely with no ironclad curbs on cheating, it will become a race to the bottom and there will be no winners.

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