First and foremost, I write this blog as my cri de coeur for America.
Cri de Coeur for America
By: George Noga – January 16, 2022
This begins the 16th year of the MLLG blog; thus far I have written 600 posts totaling 2,000 pages and 1,000,000 words. During that time readership has grown from 150 into the tens of thousands; whew!. I have labored mightily to present original and compelling ways to communicate the blessings of liberty and the evils (yes – evils) of government. Every so often, it is a good idea to remind readers (and myself) why I write this blog. But first, I offer a preview of my plans for the coming year.
I will continue blogging about my signature issues of: (1) climate change; (2) the spending crisis; and (3) school choice. You may also expect special postings on key holidays; my Independence Day and Columbus Day postings have become classics. Look for new multi-part series about “Poverty in America” and “Policing in America“. I will address timely political, economic and human interest topics. Responding to reader requests, I may write a few posts of a personal nature. As always, I will strive to present new ways to showcase the blessings of liberty and the evils of government in a fact-based, principled manner and without demonizing those with opposing views.
Why I Write This Blog
Above all, this blog is my cri de coeur for our beloved republic. I am standing athwart America’s steady march toward socialism, and ultimately to Gomorrah, screaming “stop”. I am constantly mindful that of the 115 billion humans who have trod this earth, fewer than 1% have enjoyed liberty. Even now, only 10% live in freedom. Alexander Hamilton’s eternal question still lingers, “Are societies of men capable of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or forever destined to depend on accident and force?” I would like to believe that I am providing our children’s children an infinitesimally better chance for liberty. If I fail, at least I failed daring to try.
As Hamilton knew, whether any society of men gets its politics right or wrong affects every aspect of life, and even life itself. If we get our politics right, we live our lives in freedom and prosperity. If we get our politics wrong, liberty, happiness and property are forfeit and our lives are brutish and brief. Our children’s children will be a lost generation living lives of quiet desperation in a Clockwork Orange world of staggering debt and climate madness, surrounded by nuclear armed enemies committed to our destruction. The gods of the copybook headings, with terror and slaughter, will return.
There is a second, and much darker, reason I write this blog. If it proves too late to prevent the self destruction of our beloved republic, I want to leave a historical record so my children’s children will know there once was such a wondrous thing as the fire of liberty and that some of us took great care to preserve embers of that flame until some glorious day when the embers may be used to reignite the torch of liberty.