Fascism in America Today

Liberals always are guilty of doing the things they accuse others of doing.

Fascism in America Today

By: George Noga – October 30, 2022

The true fascists in America today are found on the left. Biden, progressives, the media and just about everyone else has it backward. Mostly, this derives from an ignorance of fascism; therefore, we begin with the following dictionary definition of fascism.

“A political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts the state above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

I’ll put it directly: Joe Biden, progressives, the Democratic Party and the media are the true fascists in America today. Don’t take my word for it; compare the dogma and actions of Biden and progressives to the definition of fascism above.

The progressive blob considers any beliefs but their own illegitimate, impermissible and a threat to democracy, even if held by 76 million ordinary Americans like Trump voters. Liberals threaten the institutions of our democracy by espousing court packing, ending the filibuster, packing the senate and abolishing the electoral college. They want to end competitive elections by nationalizing election laws and open borders.

They favor an all-powerful state and distrust the people, states and truth. They revel in the exercise of ersatz dictatorial emergency powers. They use the DOJ to criminalize mainstream Americans, like those attending school board meetings. They brook no dissent and use their control over social media to suppress, silence or even criminalize it. They lust for economic and social regimentation and control. They already have the answers to everything; hence, debate is not necessary. The ends justify the means.

They want total control over every American institution. They already assimilated, controlled or corrupted entertainment, social media, education, DOJ, science, sports, immigration, criminal justice, academia, corporations, fact-checkers, religion, election systems, politics, economics, military and social media. They are coming after the few they don’t yet control such as talk radio, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Donald Trump and the MAGA movement are anti-fascist

I’ll be direct once again: Donald Trump, MAGA and conservatives are anti-fascists. They are for free people and free markets; they want to return power to the states and to the people. They place the individual above the state. They are for lower taxes, which reduces the power of government, and they oppose 87,00 new IRS agents. Again, with reference to the definition supra, Trump and MAGA are close to being the polar opposite of the definition of fascism, i.e. they are the anti-fascists.

Per Rush Limbaugh, liberals always are guilty of the things they accuse their opponents of doing and so it is with fascism. Joe Biden’s contempt for all who disagree was on lurid display in his Philadelphia speech. Bathed in a menacing red light and flanked by men brandishing guns, he vilified and cast his political opponents as devils.

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Our fearless forecast for the election is revealed in our next post November 6th.

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Antifa: What You Need to Know




Antifa is short for anti fascist; nonetheless, it is really a fascist movement.

Antifa: What You Need to Know

By: George Noga – November 22, 2020

There is great confusion about Antifa; very few understand what it is. Is it simply an idea as the New York Times and Joe Biden assert? Or, is it something truly menacing as Donald Trump claims and as many Americans have concluded? Because of all the confusion, controversy and Antifa’s prominence in the news, it is time to provide readers an update since we last blogged about Antifa three years ago on 11/12/17.

The confusion begins with its name. Antifa, short for anti fascist, is in fact a fascist movement. Antifa describes itself as a left-wing movement combating fascists, racists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Antifa’s leaders describe themselves variously as anarchists, Marxists, communists, Maoists and socialists. They espouse vague euphonic ideas such as social justice, democratic socialism and economic democracy. But the ideas Antifa wants you to believe in are rooted in fascism.

Antifa is a lie; despite its name, it is a fascist movement.

The original fascist movements in Germany, Austria and Italy were far left parties. Hitler and Mussolini were national socialists. Nazi is short for national socialist. Fascists in all these countries opposed reactionaries and capitalists; sound familiar? Every prominent European fascist, from Hitler and Mussolini down, was a socialist.

Fascism is on the far right of the political spectrum and Marxism is on the far left. However, when the political spectrum is seen as a circle, communism and fascism converge in what is called the lunatic fringe, i.e. they become one and the same. To the average person, it makes little difference whether he/she is governed by far right fascists or far left Marxists. Either way there is no political or economic liberty and all are vassals of an all-powerful state. Life itself is cheap, as movements on the far left and far right (really the same) slaughtered over 100 million people in our lifetime.

Where is the Threat Today – From Neo-Nazis or Antifa?

Antifa and its acolytes at the New York Times, Washington Post and in the media would have you believe the greatest threat America faces is from fascists, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Were they not serious, it would be funny. The threat to America from such groups is non-existent. No one in flyover land takes them seriously and they are viewed as pathetic buffoons. They are soundly condemned by every person and group on the right and have no political, media or academic support whatsoever.

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists would be hard pressed to muster 100 people for a rally; if they did, 70 of them would be government informants. Nationally, you could fit all of them inside a high school gymnasium. The leftist media keep these groups in the news solely as a foil and as a means to tar their opponents with terrible epithets.

In contrast, the Antifa threat is real. They enjoy support of progressive politicians, media and academia, who refuse to condemn even violent Antifa actions, under the rubric that they are “mostly peaceful”. They have occupied parts of American cities and advocate direct violent action, believing you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. They believe communism was a noble experiment and they will get it right next time. They even call themselves Stalinists or Maoists; imagine if a far right group called themselves Hitlerists. Who do you believe, the media or your own lyin’ eyes?


Here’s what you need to know about Antifa. Despite its name, it is a fascist movement with fascist ideas and it advocates violence. However, it makes little difference whether it is on the left or the right of the lunatic fringe – if Antifa has its way, your life and liberty are forfeit. The horrors promulgated by earlier fascists were in the past, whereas the great danger from Antifa and today’s fascists lies in the future. Antifa is all about power and not about ideas. Besides, they already know all the answers to everything; hence, debate is unnecessary. They believe the ends justify the means.

Next on November 29th, we reveal the real science deniers in America.

Antifa, Neo-Nazis and the KKK

Leftists believe communism was a noble experiment; hence, atrocities by the left were tolerable, even praiseworthy. After all, you must break some eggs to make an omelet.
Antifa, Neo-Nazis and the KKK
By: George Noga – November 12, 2017
       There is much confusion and contradiction about fascism. Antifa (short for anti-fascism) and the hard left assert fascism is vile, despicable and the embodiment of evil in the world. They advocate euphonic ideas like social justice, democratic socialism and economic democracy. They have zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees. Yet, the things Antifa wants you to believe in are all fascist ideas. Hitler and Mussolini were national socialists. In fact, Nazi is short for the National Socialist Party.
      Fascists in Germany, Austria and Italy were all leftist parties. The Austrian Nazis declared, “We are a nationalistic party that fights against reactionary tendencies as well as feudal, clerical, capitalistic and alien influences.” The German Nazi platform stated, “We fight against all reactionary trends, ecclesiastical, aristocratic and capitalist privileges and alien influence.” Mussolini called himself an “International Socialist“, later changed to “National Socialist“. Every prominent German and Italian fascist – from Hitler and Mussolini down – began as and remained a socialist.
      There you have it – the sordid spectacle of Antifa embracing and advocating fascist ideas despite its virulent anti-fascist rhetoric. Chalk it up to rank ignorance and the poisoned fruit of what passes for learning on today’s college campuses. Yet, there is one thing even stranger – the vast asymmetry between condemnation of abominations perpetrated by the far left versus those by what is alleged to be the far right.
      Historical fascists (really socialists) committed atrocities, killing at least 6 million (excluding war) innocents. Communists killed over 100 million innocents mainly in China, the USSR and Cambodia. Everyone on the political right unequivocally condemns the Nazi atrocities. However, there are many leftists, including intellectuals and professors, who refuse to condemn atrocities committed by the left.
       They say communism was a noble experiment and you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. They believe they will get it right the next time. They even call themselves Stalinists or Maoists. Imagine if some on the right called themselves Hitlerists or Mussolinists. Apparently, mass murders by the left are acceptable and even praiseworthy. Contemporary commies like Castro, Chavez, Maduro and their ilk are doing noble things. However, the horrors promulgated by fascists (socialists) were in the past whereas the great danger from the hard left lies in the present and future.
      In contrast to the real threat posed by Antifa, the threat from Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the KKK is minuscule and laughable; they are buffoons no one takes seriously. The left keeps these groups in the news so they can tar their opponents with associated epithets. Everyone on the right condemns these groups, but those on the left won’t condemn vile leftist groups. The KKK can’t muster 100 people for a rally and if they did, 70% would be paid government informants. The media prefer to write about white supremacists and the KKK rather than the serious issues facing America.
     The left is bankrupt but dangerous. Antifa embraces fascist ideas while condemning fascism. They still adore Stalin, Mao, Castro and Maduro. The left is not about ideas; it is about power. The left stifles debate because they know all the answers to everything. Academics is about validating their beliefs, not seeking truth. Science is politicized and has morphed into a handmaiden for the hard left. The end justifies the means. What we have now is an intolerant illiberal liberalism where hatred has replaced compassion.

The next post is about our first Thanksgiving as Americans