Guns in Switzerland and Honduras

The gun homicide rate in Honduras is 44,000% that of Switzerland. The countries
are equal in population and Honduras has stricter gun laws and 90% fewer guns. 
Switzerland Versus Honduras
Gun laws, Ownership and Homicide
By: George Noga – November 27, 2016
      Switzerland (population 8.1 million) has gun laws similar to the USA and in sharp contrast to the highly restrictive laws of the European Union. Swiss males between ages 20 and 30 (34 for officers) are supplied with military assault rifles which they are required to keep at home. Once their service ends, they may keep their weapons. It is a common sight to see a person in active military service carrying his rifle in public.
       Data on Swiss gun ownership are maintained at the canton level and such statistics are often not reliable, especially for guns acquired before registration was introduced. Estimates of gun ownership vary but the accepted number is 60%, ranking Switzerland third highest in the world – behind the USA and Yemen. Switzerland has a strong gun culture and the government subsidizes and actively encourages recreational shooting.
      For the most recent year data are available, Switzerland experienced 49 homicides with 18 involving firearms. The total homicide rate was less than 0.5 per 100,000 and the homicide rate from guns was .000000225 – equal to .2 per 100,000. Both metrics are among the lowest in the world along with those of Japan, Iceland and Singapore.
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      Honduras’ population of 8.1 million is identical to Switzerland. Under current law, it is legal for Honduran citizens to own guns, but only under a strict regimen with mandatory registration and many other restrictions. Gun ownership in Honduras is 6.2% which is the 87th lowest in the world; few citizens own guns. Guns may be sold legally only by one outlet which is a branch of the Honduran armed forces.
      The homicide rate for Honduras is 104 per 100,000, ranking it highest in the world and twice as high as the second most dangerous place on the planet – Venezuela. Of all the homicides, 85% are with guns; this equates to a rate of 88 per 100,0000.
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   Comparisons are stark. Switzerland has relatively permissive gun laws – even requiring military and reservists to keep weapons at home. Gun ownership of 60% is third highest in the world; yet the gun homicide rate is among the lowest in the world. Honduras restricts gun ownership with only 6% owning guns, ranking 87th worldwide. Nevertheless, the gun homicide rate is the world’s worst – higher than Switzerland by a factor of 440, i.e. for every gun homicide in Switzerland, there are 440 in Honduras.
       I understand: (1) gun laws and gun availability are not related to gun violence and may even be inversely related, i.e. more guns equal less violence; (2) economic, cultural and social factors account for differences in gun violence; and (3) comparing countries as different as Switzerland and Honduras is problematic and that the ideal is to compare countries that are identical except for gun laws and availability. Note: go to to see my “Guns in America” series which contains such comparisons.
      Nonetheless, the juxtaposition of Switzerland and Honduras is too tantalizing to pass up as it proves beyond any reasonable doubt, and in the starkest possible terms, that gun laws and gun ownership do not beget gun violence. It renders moot the entire gamut of gun control dogma and liberal orthodoxy about banning and confiscating guns. Honduras suffers forty-four thousand percent (44,000%) more gun homicides despite much stricter laws and only 10% the gun ownership of Switzerland.

Our next post, rescheduled from November 13, addresses voter ignorance.

The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Settlers in Jamestown and Plymouth under socialism were reduced to cannibalism and eating rats; after switching to capitalism, they ate turkey and had enough to share with the Indians.
The Real Story of Thanksgiving
By: George Noga – November 20, 2016

       Jamestown, Virginia 1611: Colonists arrived in 1607 and found fertile soil and an abundance of seafood, game, fruit and nuts. Yet within 6 months all but 38 died – most from starvation. In 1609 another 500 settlers arrived and 6 months later 440 died, again mostly of starvation. People ate dogs, cats, mice and even resorted to cannibalism. The survivors gave up and headed back to England. As they sailed out of Chesapeake Bay they encountered three ships with new settlers and decided to give it one more try.

     On the ships was Sir Thomas Dale, the new Governor. Before Dale, everything went into a common store owned by everyone and hence no one. There was no direct connection between work and reward. Like socialism everywhere, people starved in the midst of plenty. Dale’s first action was to give each man 3 acres while requiring them to work one month for the common wheal – equivalent to a flat tax of 8.33%.

     Overnight, the colony began to prosper; people became industrious and inventive. Indians, who had regarded the settlers as inept, suddenly gained respect for them. John Rolfe, husband of Pocahontas who was an ancestor of Elizabeth Warren, wrote that the colonists engaged in “gathering and reaping the fruits of their labors with much joy and comfort” If Jamestown colonists had gathered to give thanks for their first harvest of abundance, it would have been in 1611 and as a direct result of private property.

     Plymouth, Massachusetts 1621: When the Pilgrims landed in 1620 they were governed by the Mayflower Compact which established communal property ownership. All benefits from farming, trade and fishing went into a common stock and were withdrawn as needed. Women washed clothes and dressed meat for everyone and not their own families. This was pure communism: from each according to his ability; to each according to his need. When everyone is entitled to everything, no one is responsible for anything. Soon they were eating rats and 50% had died.

     Just as Dale had done in Jamestown, Governor Bradford took action. He instituted individual property rights, granting parcels of land to each family. In Bradford’s words:
This led to very good success, for it made all hands industrious. Much corn was planted; the women now went willingly into the fields and took their little ones with them to set corn which before would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.” At harvest in 1621 there now was an abundance resulting in the first Thanksgiving.

     United States of America 2016: The story of Jamestown and Plymouth is identical to the experience of all socialist, communist and utopian experiments throughout recorded history; i.e. starvation amidst plenty. They all fail because they are opposed to human nature and they break the link between work and benefit. In contrast, private property and self interest always have worked through the millennia.

     The Thanksgiving narrative today is merely a verisimilitude, a warm, fuzzy, politically correct, feel-good, multi cultural tale. Not one in 100 children in America today knows the real story of Thanksgiving. Readers owe it to their children and grandchildren to acquaint them with the real lessons of Jamestown and Plymouth, i.e. if you want turkey and enough to share with others, only private property can produce it. Socialism brought only unspeakable horrors and privation, starvation amid plenty.

The next post November 27 covers a variety of pithy topics.

Voter Ignorance – A Startling Perspective

Most voters are ignorant of the issues and even about basic political facts.
What are the implications of massive voter ignorance for our republic?  
Voter Ignorance – A Startling Perspective
By: George Noga – November 13, 2016
    The election is history; whoever won was elected by voters ignorant of the issues and about our government. Most voters don’t even know our form of government, incorrectly believing it is a democracy and not a constitutional republic. Voters are ignorant of the identity of the vice president, who controls Congress, the branches of government, taxation and spending. Candidates shamelessly exploit this ignorance.
     The founders didn’t see voter ignorance as a problem because government had little power over peoples’ lives; politics was mostly local; and voting was limited to a small cohort of educated white male landowners. With federalism, states appointed senators. All this has changed with universal suffrage and vastly more complexity. Just how big a problem is voter ignorance? Does it doom democracy or, at least, argue for changes? Is it a serious concern voters spend more time planning a vacation than on the issues? 
    The answers may surprise you. Voters may be ignorant but they’re not stupid. Should a surgeon spend countless hours learning about foreign trade, immigration and tax policy? The ignorant voter, who spends many hours comparison shopping for a new television rather than learning the issues and the candidates, actually behaves rationally because his decision on the TV makes an immediate and significant difference in his life, whereas the chance his vote will make any difference is infinitesimal. 
     Just because voters are grossly underinformed and/or misinformed does not mean they always fail to act rationally. There are four ways voters evince erudite behavior.
1. Voters recognize and act on serious problems: When the nation is in the midst of social upheaval, beset with security issues and/or the economy is in a prolonged tailspin, voters invariably will vote out those perceived responsible. Even ignorant voters punish incumbents when there is clear-cut government failure. 
2. Prolonged one party rule is rejected: Even low information voters viscerally grasp that incumbency leads to complacency and corruption. Prior to 2016 only Reagan/Bush (since FDR) won 3 consecutive elections. No party won 4 straight (excluding only the civil war era and FDR) since 1801, beginning with Jefferson.
3. Peace and prosperity are rewarded: Just as voters react to serious problems by voting out the perps, they also reward success – particularly in achieving peace and prosperity – at least for a time but not for 3 or 4 presidential terms.
4. People vote with their feet. Under our federal system, people can and do vote with their feet, moving from one jurisdiction to another. Just as with the TV example, people analyze, rationally and non politically, where to live because it has a large, immediate and direct impact on their lives. That explains why there is a shortage of moving vans in California and a corresponding glut in Texas. 
   Surprisingly, perhaps startlingly, massive voter ignorance is not an uber-serious problem. Democracy (including constitutional republics) is not perfect, but what system is better? Even ignorant voters can and do trump demographics, money and special interests. And being ignorant does not always equate to being irrational.
   Ignorant voters almost certainly will vote for change in 2020 if the economy is torpid with no prospect of improvement and if America is beset with chronic and serious problems, not the least of which is Obamacare. They will vote for change if we are in the midst of prolonged one party rule and if we have neither peace nor prosperity.
Note to readers: I have been besieged with requests to write an election postmortem. During January 2017 I will provide same. Also as Obama leaves office, I will publish a retrospective on the Obama presidency – that is one post not to be missed and I hope one of the best ever.

The next post on November 20 is our special Thanksgiving edition.

Plague or Pestilence?

Here are some final thoughts about the 2016 election and a far, far too early look at 2020.
Plague or Pestilence?
By: George Noga – November 6, 2016
      I have been a keen observer of US presidential elections beginning 56 years ago in 1960. This election is different than anything I have seen before; only 1968 comes remotely close. By any conventional method or measure, Clinton wins; nevertheless, there is a path still open for Trump if all the factors noted below break just right.

     ##  The polls are wrong. For technical reasons (absence of landlines, etc.) polling is much less accurate than in past elections. Polling was notoriously wrong in many primaries, in the Brexit vote and most recently in the Colombian FARC treaty vote. Many people, especially Trump voters, do not divulge their true feelings to pollsters.

     ##  The massive global failure of government drives voters to make a change. Government is failing in the US, Europe, Japan, the Middle East and elsewhere. Change is in the air worldwide and the USA is not immune from this dynamic which was clearly manifest in the Brexit vote and in other recent European elections.

     ##  Voter turnout could produce a seismic swing if blacks and millennials stay home while evangelicals turnout in force. Polls do not properly account for turnout.

     ##  Obamacare is a festering wound and massive voter repudiation could happen.

A Ridiculously Early Look at the 2020 Election
Are you ready for President Tom Cotton?

     Believe it or not, I honestly think I can make a fairly accurate assessment of the 2020 election. Just as it can be easier to see longer term movement in stock prices, the same thing is possible in politics – especially given conditions and trends in the USA.

     Assuming Hillary wins in 2016, her policies will be a continuation of the failed Obama regime. The US economy will remain in a low (or negative) growth mode and lucky to avoid recession. Recessions occur every 7 or 8 years and 2020 would be 12 years since the last one. Hillary’s tax, regulatory and trade policies will prove disastrous and at some point this will be reflected in the financial markets. Obamacare will fester for four more years leading to massive voter repudiation. The global anti-government movement will build steam and morph into an unstoppable force.

     By 2020 the US will be an economic basket case with immense underemployment, stagnant (or even declining) middle class incomes and debt and deficits nearing critical mass. Malaise will define the national mood. The country will have suffered through 12 years of one party rule; historically this means change – which would have occurred in 2016 had anyone but Trump been nominated; it is merely being delayed four years. Did I mention a weak military, foreign conflagrations and a worsening of terrorism?

     It is ridiculously premature to predict who the president will be in 2021, but my bet is firmly on Tom Cotton. Remember, you read it first in this post. Heck – I am going to go all in on Cotton. Not only will Cotton win big in 2020, he will go on to lead a Reaganesque revival in America – provided America still is recognizable in 2021.

We are skipping next week; the next post is scheduled for November 20.

We are the Choices We Make

America is the summation of the political choices we make just
as individually we are the sum of all our individual life choices.
We are the Choices We Make
By: George Noga – October 30, 2016

       Alexander Hamilton pondered: “Whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend on accident and force.” James Madison added: “What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature.”

     During the first 175 years of our beloved republic, Madison and Hamilton would have rested easy. We made good public choices; we saw to it that whoever was elected president or to Congress, and those they appointed and confirmed to the judiciary, had little power over our lives. Government had few, limited and enumerated powers and there were abundant checks and balances against the concentration and abuse of power. All branches of government stayed inside the constitutional box; states zealously guarded their federalist prerogatives; and the media were effective watchdogs.

     No longer! We are answering Hamilton’s question in the negative and to Madison’s dismay, the worse angels of our nature are dominating the better angels. If any society of men fails to get government right, it affects every aspect of our lives and life itself. If we get government right, we live our lives in freedom and prosperity; if we fail, happiness, liberty and property are forfeit and life becomes nasty, brutish and brief.

     If we don’t get government right, our children and our children’s children will survive in an Orwellian torpor with their lives and liberty constantly at risk because of obeisance to failed ideologies, fantasies, political correctness and the perpetual and futile search for utopias. They will pay dearly for our debt binge and intergenerational theft. They will people a dysfunctional world where nuclear arms proliferate in places committed to our destruction. They will be a lost generation in every sense.

      If we fail to answer Hamilton’s question in the affirmative, we will inhabit a Clockwork Orange world with our lives vastly diminished and trivialized in countless and unspeakable ways. We will live lives of quiet desperation. We will fulfill Kipling’s prophesy in the Gods of the Copybook Headings – the final verse of which follows. Note: By the term “Gods of the Copybook Headings” Kipling means the experience and wisdom of mankind through the ages.

“And after that is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn,

The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”

      Our lives individually and as a nation are nothing more than the summation of all the choices we make. If we make good choices in our individual lives, it will come to naught if the choices we make in our public lives are bad ones. Of the 110 billion humans who have trod this earth, fewer than 1% have lived their lives in liberty. We must make wise public choices or just as surely as water wets us and fire burns, terror and slaughter will return. And don’t think for a moment that it can’t happen here!

The next post November 6th contains some final thoughts about the election.

The Seen Versus the Unseen

What we see is frequently far less important than what we don’t see. This is true
particularly for economic growth, international trade, climate change and poverty.
The Seen Versus the Unseen
By: George Noga – October 23, 2016

       Election issues, both real and fake, are viewed through the prism of what is readily seen and are juxtaposed against what is opaque or occult to most Americans. The seen versus the unseen is singularly germane for economic growth. The data Americans readily see are many years of positive economic growth and unemployment rates approaching historic lows. Looking only at what is seen, many people conclude the US economy is performing satisfactorily. But let’s look at the unseen.

     The US, in its eighth year of economic recovery, is averaging 2.0% growth in real GDP. Real economic growth since 1945 averages 3.3% and is 4.3% for the years following the prior 10 recessions. Had the US grown at the 4.3% post-recession average from 2009 onward, today real GDP would be $10,300 higher for every man, woman and child in America. The unseen 900-pound gorilla of economic growth is the $26,700 that is missing from every American household each and every year – forever. Had Obama simply achieved average results, we would be infinitely better off.

For foreign trade deals, what we can see are job losses, harm to affected industries and deleterious effects on communities impacted. The pain is visible, immediate, and concentrated, whereas the benefits are unseen, long term, opaque and diffuse. Every American household benefits $2,500 per year just from China – even if they manipulate their currency, subsidize exports and use cheap labor. The unseen benefits to Americans from foreign trade vastly outweigh short-term job losses and other impacts.

     For climate change, we see media reports of warming, melting glaciers, polar bears on ice flows, extreme weather events and receding arctic icecaps. The largely unseen is: (1) no warming for 20 years; (2) glaciers receding for the past 150 years; (3) record polar bear populations; (4) no increase globally in insurance claims for weather events; and (5) an increasing antarctic icecap which is 10 times the size of the arctic icecap. Completely unseen are the immediate benefits to humanity that could be realized if the trillions now being totally wasted on infinitesimal reductions in temperature were diverted to human needs such as disease eradication, clean water supply and nutrition.

     We are bombarded by media reports and images of poverty, homelessness and hunger although none of these conditions exist per se in America today. What we don’t see is that these conditions (which do still exist) result nearly exclusively from untreated mental illness and from a small cohort of Americans of low ability, i.e. those who struggle to fill out a simple form. These conditions, and their attendant social pathologies, are what result in poverty, hunger and homelessness. Political correctness prevents us from identifying and addressing the real underlying problems.

     We see gun violence whenever there is a shooting; we don’t see the 2.5 million times each year guns are used lawfully to prevent or to stop crime. We see that more Americans have health insurance; we don’t see the armies of under employed 29ers and 49ers and the high premiums, deductibles and co-pays. We see the spending but the debt and deficits go largely unseen. We see what is reported by the media; we don’t see many stories covered that run counter to the progressive narrative. We see what we recycle; we don’t see it going into the same landfill as all our other garbage.

What we see is often vapid and illusory and intended to beguile us into accepting progressive shibboleths and dogma. The unseen is frequently much more important.

The next post in our 2016 election series is scheduled for October 30.

Uber and Gay Marriage

The hypocrisy runs deep. Liberals want anyone to be able to share a marriage but oppose consenting adults sharing a ride (Uber) or sharing an apartment (Airbnb).

Uber and Gay Marriage
By: George Noga – October 16, 2016

       The poster child for the sharing economy is Uber Technologies, Inc. but there are many others including Airbnb, Lyft and TaskRabbit. Sharing increases productivity via leveraging underused resources and labor; it has become wildly popular by providing platforms for people to exchange goods and services. Customers save big bucks while Uber drivers make $15 to $30 an hour and Airbnb hosts up to $30,000 a year.

     Customers log on to Uber; instantly their location and profile (name, photo, rating) are sent to nearby Uber drivers. The assigned driver transmits location, automobile, name, photo, rating and fare to the customer, who can track the Uber car in real time. In minutes the customer is in a spotless recent model car with complimentary bottled water. Payment via preestablished credit card is 50% to 65% less than a taxi. Drivers and customers rate each other; every incentive is in place for a favorable experience.

     Compare this to many taxi experiences. You call a harried dispatcher who can’t tell you when a cab will arrive or the fare. The cab arrives 25 minutes later and the driver is unkempt, speaks poor English, speeds and drives aggressively. The taxi has a musty odor and the radio is blaring obscene music in a strange language. You pay triple the Uber fare in cash without rating the driver. Forget about bottled water. Complaining is futile because taxis are a local monopoly and customer service is an oxymoron.

     Uber is incredibly popular with customers and drivers. Customers save big money and enjoy a safe, pleasant experience. Drivers work only when and where they wish at prices they voluntarily accept. Often, Uber drivers already were enroute to near where their customers wanted to go. The shared ride also saved fuel and reduced emissions.

     Given the contrast between taxis and Uber, why would any sane person wish to ban Uber and force the taxi monopoly on the public? Yet, that is precisely the liberal position. Every progressive group and politician that stridently insists any two people can share a marriage are adamantly opposed to any two people sharing a ride or an apartment. Liberal opposition groups include trial attorneys, labor unions, government rent-seekers, regulatory agencies, race-baiters, taxi cartels and, of course, politicians.

     Bill de Blasio wants to cap the number of Uber drivers; he said, “Uber skirts vital protections and oversight.” (Translation: He can’t collect taxes and enforce union wages.) Hillary Clinton said, “The gig economy raises hard questions about workplace protections and what a good job looks like.” (Translation: government intervention and regulation are needed.) Bernie Sanders, “I have serious problems with unregulated businesses like Uber.” Mayors of many liberal cities have tried to stop Airbnb. Other opponents include, inter alia, Elizabeth Warren, Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi.

     The sharing economy has helped more people, especially poor, young, seniors and minorities, than any government program. It empowers more people to be their own boss and benefits the entire economy by increasing productivity and cutting costs. Liberals fear these new opportunities make people less dependent on government; they always choose government force over voluntary cooperation, i.e. markets.

     More so than any other benefit, liberal opposition to Uber and the sharing economy exposes raw hypocrisy like progressives’ ersatz claim to support “choice”. They are unwavering about a woman’s right to choose (Translation: to choose abortion) but oppose the same woman’s right to choose where to school her children, to own a gun, not to join a union or not to buy health insurance. Now they oppose the same woman’s right to share her car or to share her apartment. The hypocrisy runs very deep indeed!

Political Correctness in America

Political correctness is cultural Marxism; its ultimate objective is to criminalize speech  liberals find objectionable. Freedom of speech ends where political correctness begins.

Political Correctness in America
By: George Noga – October 9, 2016

       The term political correctness or “PC” was coined by French philosopher Foucault in the 1960s as criticism of unscientific dogma. Its antecedents go back at least as far as Marx. In this post we explain what PC is, what it is not and how it can be defeated.

     PC is an election issue thanks to Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Resentment of PC (and green-washing) has been building for decades like pressure inside a pressure cooker. It has metastasized far beyond politics with hospitals now calling deaths negative patient outcomes. Many believed it would be with us forever until Carson and Trump blew the lid off and triggered a revolt of the politically incorrect.

      PC is not what you may think. It is not about politeness, good manners, social sensitivity, cultural awareness, inclusiveness, respect, caring, etiquette, deference, courtesy, civility, being nice or avoiding hurt feelings or slurs. So, what is PC?

     The best definition I have seen was by economist Jeff Deist: “PC is the conscious, designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, write, think, feel and act, in furtherance of an agenda.” Deist goes on to assert that PC is propaganda and, like all propaganda, a lie. It abnegates the underlying reality such as by Obama calling Fort Hood workplace violence instead of Islamic terrorism. PC is about coercion, intimidation, control, totalitarianism, Marxism and Maoism.

     Thought police have existed for as long as demagogues have sought to control people. It may be different this time only in terms of how long it has persisted and the sheer lunacy of it all – as in triggering and microaggressions. Carson and Trump exposed the massive resentment festering among the non elites who are as mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more. So, what can be done to kill the PC virus?

     The first step, as always, is to recognize the truth; hopefully this post helps accomplish that. Second, understand that the stakes in this struggle are high; PC is a long-term war for your heart and mind with the ultimate goal of eviscerating the first amendment and criminalizing speech distasteful to progressives. Third, fight back!

     In the battle against PC, humor, scorn and ridicule are effective; PC is such sheer madness that, deep down, even  liberals know it. Around Christmas whenever I see a store sign that says “holiday“, I make a point of asking a store manager which holiday it is; the reactions are priceless. Finally, please remember that our PC opponents are not idiots, they just have taken a long detour off the information superhighway.

The next post is entitled “Uber and Gay Marriage”. You won’t want to miss it.

Fake Solutions to Fake Problems

America is facing economic stagnation, failed schools, a nuclear Iran and is fighting global Islamic terrorism. Progressives are fighting for men to use the ladies’ restroom.

Fake Solutions to Fake Problems
By: George Noga – October 2, 2016

      As we approach the election, we are bombarded from the progressive side with a panoply of phony issues to which they proffer equally phony solutions. They don’t have real solutions to real problems; all they can offer is maskirovka and rope-a-dope.

     The most serious issues America faces are: weak economic growth with income stagnation, radical Islamic terrorism, Iran as a nuclear threshold state, chronic debt and deficits approaching critical mass, and failed government schools. Progressives don’t want to discuss any of these issues; instead, they talk of climate change, gun control, a war on women, transgender restrooms, and environmentalism – all phantom issues.

     Climate change is fake because it is man-made in only an inconsequential way, if at all, as well documented in prior posts. It is a classic Baptists-bootleggers political coalition of true believers (environmentalists) and their fellow travelers (government) who stand to benefit. The latest fake solution is the climate deal signed earlier this year in Paris where politicians from 175 countries agreed to keep doing whatever they intended to do anyway and with no consequences for non compliance. In an ultimate irony, the fake climate deal to fight a fake enemy was signed in the same city where just a short while earlier a real enemy, Islamic terrorism, slaughtered 130 real people.

     Gun control is progressives’ go-to issue. We published a series, Guns in America, available at http:\\ which proves to any scient person there is no positive correlation between guns and crime and there likely is a negative correlation, i.e. more guns equals less crime. We followed that up with a Harvard study showing social, cultural and economic factors (and not guns) are the determinants of violent crime.

     Gun control is a phony issue for which progressives have proposed a long train of phony solutions. Not one proposed measure would have prevented any mass gun violence in America. Their most recent phony solution is the “no fly, no buy”  proposal to ban gun sales to anyone on the no-fly watch list. This is a small and notoriously inaccurate list that excludes all recent terrorists; it would have no effect on terrorism.

     A war on women and the campus rape culture likewise are imaginary issues. Duke, UVA and Harvard (The Hunting Ground) have been debunked. College campuses actually are safer for women than elsewhere. Women’s pay is equal to or higher than men’s when making proper adjustments for education, experience, danger, etc. Liberal solutions also are imaginary such as constant ongoing affirmative consent for sex. Progressives refuse to criticize the real war on women in Moslem countries, replete with, inter alia, genital mutilation, no driving, burkas and Sharia law. Go figure!

     Transgenders constitute .00006 of the population, making this issue a tempest in a teapot. Progressives insist anyone who self identifies as any gender can use any public facility at anytime. They demand young girls accept showering with men and that they simply get over any discomfort. Yet, they dictate transgenders not be required to use facilities conforming to their biological gender because it may cause them discomfort.

     Environmentalism is a totally ersatz issue. Every metric (100 of them) shows both human and environmental well being to be the best they have been in the past 50-75 years and getting better all the time. Their fake solution is to spend ever more and more money to eke out ever less and less imperceptible benefit and to elevate a tiny fish (delta smelt) over the well being of hundreds of thousands of real human beings.

     Take the real issues identified in this post and contrast them with the phantom issues and solutions put forth by progressives. They use misdirection, smoke, mirrors, and rope-a-dope for emotional appeals to low information voters. They never address serious issues with serious solutions. They choose instead to fight for transgenders against young girls but not for all Americans against radical Islam and a nuclear Iran.

The next post in our 2016 election series addresses political correctness.

Crisis of Confidence in Police

Confidence in police has cratered among Americans of all ages, education levels,
incomes, races and particularly the young and minorities. What went so wrong?
Crisis of Confidence in Police
By: George Noga – September 25, 2016

     Everyone is familiar with highly publicized and racially charged police shootings in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, New York, Milwaukee and Ferguson. As a result, policing in America is a hot-button issue in the 2016 election. However, the loss of confidence in police began decades ago and has myriad causes. In this post, we identify the top ten reasons (in rough order of importance) underlying the crisis of confidence in police. The changes have been gradual but the end result is plainly and painfully manifest.

1. Police have transmogrified from avuncular figures to threatening ones; their attitude from helpful to intimidating. They form tight cliques, becoming insular and walling themselves off from the communities they serve. They have an us-versus-them attitude and protect each other at all costs and even when they are plainly in the wrong.

2. Policing is nowhere near the most dangerous job in America; it ranks 15th behind loggers, fishermen, pilots, roofers, refuse collectors, farmers, iron/steel workers, truck drivers, electricians, taxi drivers, construction, landscape, maintenance and miners. The homicide rate for police is 30% less than for an average male. We appreciate that police put themselves in harm’s way for us, but perspective about the danger is needed.

3. Routine use of SWAT teams (50,000 raids per year), military equipment and tasers is out of control. A SWAT team is not needed to serve a subpoena. The police have become too militarized and treat civilians more like enemy combatants.

4. Unionization and threats of strikes and other tactics are against public policy. Police compensation and benefits (often boosted by outlandish overtime spiking) create enormous resentment with private sector workers, of whom only 6% are unionized.

5. Police gorge themselves on civil asset forfeitures. They seize property from hapless victims even when there is no crime or arrest and use the proceeds to buy fancy toys.

6. Testilying (police perjury under oath) is commonplace as can be attested to by any lawyer who routinely practices in criminal court – so routine it has its own name.

7. Telephone solicitations (often aggressive) on behalf of police benevolent groups are ubiquitous but net police only pennies on the dollar. This grates on the public inasmuch as other professions don’t engage in such activity, policing is 15th on the dangerous jobs list and police already are well compensated via public sector unionization.

8. Policing is about money and arrests. Advancement is linked to the amount of money generated and the number of arrests made. Massive police ticketing operations are organized solely for the convenience of police to raise money; the public be damned.

9. The atmospherics have become gaudy. High ranking officers, even of small town police departments, are bedecked as 5-star generals with garish decorations befitting the potentate of a banana republic. Chiefs should wear civilian clothes as in the past.

10. Press conferences after police events have become love-fests for law enforcement. Following the Orlando tragedy, city police, county police, state police, FBI, state attorney, DOJ and ATF spent an eternity heaping praise on one another for cooperation and professionalism before they answered a single question. More modesty is needed.

     Loss of confidence in police has been gradual and has many antecedents. There are however private alternatives to unionized, militarized, asset-seizing and testilying police. There is a strong negative correlation between crime and economic freedom as free markets enable people to put their passions into business. Restrictions on freedom, such as minimum wage laws, that keep minorities from work are particularly harmful.

     A big part of the solution therefore lies in more liberty and less government. More liberty for poor, minority, inner city youth and more free markets. Less government as in fewer police, an end to the failed war on drugs and more private policing. Finally, each community should have an independent citizen police review board with ample powers to oversee the police and to ensure policing reflects their community’s values.

The next post in our election series is titled “Fake Solutions to Fake Problems”.